Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide


8.3.7 Canceling a release

Release cancellation is an operation that cancels the registration of a jobnet-definition release. When release is canceled, the release-target jobnet is returned to the status that existed before the release was registered. However, jobnets for which a jobnet-definition release has been registered are treated as release-target jobnets with release information, even if the release is canceled. As a result, the release-target jobnet icon is displayed in the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

You can cancel a release of a jobnet definition whose status is Release wait, Delete wait, or Release entry wait. You can use the following methods to cancel a release:

Note that if an attempt to cancel a release fails, the status of definitions in Release wait change to Delete wait. In such cases, cancel the release again.

For details about how to use the JP1/AJS3 - View window to cancel a release, see 9.14.2 Canceling a release for a jobnet in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. For details about how to use the ajsrelease command to cancel a release, see ajsrelease in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

Cautionary notes
  • You cannot cancel a release if the jobnet is registered for fixed execution with either a period or a date specified and its schedule is later than the release time. In such cases, cancel the registration or prohibit the execution of schedules after the release time, and then try again to cancel the release. Note, however, that if a number of future generations is also specified for the jobnet registered for fixed execution, you can cancel the release even when the schedule of the jobnet is later than the release time.
  • You cannot cancel a release for a root jobnet that has been suspended. In such cases, release the suspension of the root jobnet and try again to cancel the release.
  • You cannot cancel a release for a root jobnet in shutdown status. In such cases, cancel the execution registration of the root jobnet and try again to cancel the release.
  • The scheduler service needs to be running to cancel a release.
  • Canceling a release creates a system load that is equal to or greater than the load caused by deleting the jobnet definitions in the release information. Do not cancel a release during peak job execution times.
  • When you cancel a release, generations are re-created based on the jobnet definition whose status becomes Being applied after the release is canceled. Therefore, any changes made by temporarily changing the plan before canceling the release are not passed to the jobnets after the release is canceled. Note, however, that the information specified during registration for execution, such as macro variables and JP1 users, is passed.
  • If no next scheduled generation is created because of cancellation of the release of a jobnet definition whose status became Being applied after the cancellation, no scheduled generation will be created from that definition. Therefore, use JP1/AJS3 - View or the ajsshow command to make sure that the scheduled generation has been created correctly after the release is canceled. If a scheduled generation has not been created, review the jobnet definition that is in the Being applied status.
  • When fixed execution registration is used, the jobnet definition returns to the unregistered status if:
    - Generations exist only in the jobnet definition whose release is to be canceled, and
    - No next scheduled generation is created because the release was cancelled for a jobnet definition whose status became Being applied after the cancellation.
    Review the jobnet definition that is in Being applied status after the release was canceled, and then re-register the jobnet for execution.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.