Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


8.2.3 Changing the common definition information

Cluster operation requires that the common definition information for JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM be the same on each physical host. After setting up JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM on the primary node physical host, and then changing the common definition information#, execute the following command to ensure that the information matches on both physical hosts.

Note that this operation affects all JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM products.

On the primary node:
jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name

On the secondary node:
jbssetcnf backup-file-name

While JP1/AJS3 is being used, the common definition information for JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM is updated at the following times:
  • When the common definition information is changed by using the JP1/Base jbssetcnf command. (This command adds the information in the environment settings files to the registry.)
  • When the JP1/AJS3 settings are changed by using either of the following JP1/AJS3 commands:
    - jpqregguestuser
    - jpqreguser
  • When JP1/AJS3 is set up by using any of the following JP1/AJS3 commands:
    - jajs_setup
    - jajs_config
    - jajs_setup_cluster
    - ajsembdbsetup
    - ajscasetup
    - ajscmsetup
  • When settings in the Manager Environment Settings dialog box or in the Agent Environment Settings dialog box of JP1/AJS2 are changed
  • When linkage with JP1/AJS3 is set by using the JP1/Power Monitor jaomajs2confset command. (This command sets up the environment for controlling the host power in collaboration with JP1/AJS3.)



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.