Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


6.2 Settings for controlling job execution

This section describes how to change the settings for controlling job execution.

When you set environment setting parameters, use the jajs_config command.

For details about the jajs_config command, see jajs_config in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

Organization of this section
6.2.1 Defining variables for work paths used during job execution
6.2.2 Defining search paths for a file to be transferred
6.2.3 Customizing the execution agent or agent attribute values created by the automatic agent definition function
6.2.4 Checking the messages output at the same time by a job to the standard output and standard error output
6.2.5 Changing the interval and number of resend attempts for job result files
6.2.6 Preventing duplicated reception of job result files
6.2.7 Placing restrictions on file reception
6.2.8 Changing the interval and number of retry attempts when a TCP/IP connection error occurs
6.2.9 Setting the method for determining the agent host to which a job will be delivered
6.2.10 Setting the action to be taken if the value of a macro variable cannot be passed
6.2.11 Setting the handling of a macro variable when the value is a NULL string
6.2.12 Changing the wait time for recovery when an agent has failed
6.2.13 Outputting a message that reports that the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs has been reached
6.2.14 Changing the timeout value for the job execution control manager process
6.2.15 Executing a job by using a long file name
6.2.16 Executing a job that requires a user profile
6.2.17 Reusing access tokens for job execution
6.2.18 Executing a job whose executable file name has an extension longer than three bytes
6.2.19 Changing the settings for logon retries when a job is executed
6.2.20 Placing all running jobs in an end status when a communication error occurs



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.