Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


6.2.15 Executing a job by using a long file name

Normally, the executable file name of a job#1 is converted to a short file name generated for a file on an NTFS (NT File System) or FAT (File Allocation Table) volume. If you want to execute the executable file of a job by using a long file name without conversion to a short file name, use the procedure described below.

Note that a queueless job is executed by using a long file name#2. No conversion of the executable file name of a queueless job to a short file name takes place.

Refers to PC jobs and queue jobs executed on JP1/AJS3, and submit jobs executed by the jpqjobsub command.

Depending on the conditions, a queueless job could be executed under a short file name. For details, see (4) Note.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Definition procedure
(2) Environment setting parameter
(3) How to specify executable file names
(4) Note

(1) Definition procedure

  1. In Windows Control Panel, open the Services administrative tool, and stop the following service:
    • JP1/AJS3 service
  2. Execute the following command to set the environment setting parameter described in (2) below:
    jajs_config -k definition-key "parameter-name"=value
  3. Restart JP1/AJS3.
    The new settings are applied.

(2) Environment setting parameter

Table 6-23 Environment setting parameter used to execute a job under a long file name

Definition key Environment setting parameter Explanation
[{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host}\JP1NBQAGENT\Job]# "IsExecFindExecutable"= Specifies whether a job is executed under a long file name.

The specification of the {JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host} part depends on whether the host is a physical host or a logical host. For a physical host, specify JP1_DEFAULT. For a logical host, specify the logical host name.

For details about the definition of this environment setting parameter, see 2.3(38) IsExecFindExecutable in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2.

(3) How to specify executable file names

(4) Note

If a job satisfying both of the following conditions is executed, the executable file name of the job is converted to a short file name even if the IsExecFindExecutable environment setting parameter is set to 1. This is also true for queueless jobs.

  1. In File name, a file name whose extension is .exe, .bat, .cmd, .com, or .pif is specified as a relative path name.
  2. The file path name in condition 1 is specified for Working path in the job definition.

If you want the job to be executed under a long file name, perform either of the following operations:



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