Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide


13.5.1 Configuring the log output method

In order to link with the JP1/Base log file trapping function, the output method of Performance Management's common message log must be configured.

The following table shows the log file output methods Performance Management supports:

Table 13-21 Log file output format supported by Performance Management

Log file output method Description Output log file name
Sequential file method This method always writes the newest log information to a file called jpclog01.
When the log file size reaches the set value, jpclog01 is renamed and saved as jpclog02, the contents of jpclog01 are cleared, and the newest log information is written.
Wrap-around file method When the log file size reaches the set value, the next log file contents are cleared, and the newest log information is written in the next log file.
The file to be written to changes in the following manner: the file after jpclogw01 is jpclogw02 and the file after jpclogw02 is jpclogw01.

  • With the wrap-around file method, the time of the most recent update for the log file is used to determine the newest log information. Therefore, an error might occur if the time is changed on the host on which Performance Management is running or if the most recent update time for the log file is modified.
  • Because versions earlier than 08-00 do not support the wrap-around file method, the log is output using the sequential file method even if the wrap-around file method is specified for the common message log's output method. In this case, versions earlier than 08-00 output the log to jpclog and versions 08-00 and later output the log to jpclogw.
  • The sequential file method used is SEQ2 and the wrap-around file method used is WRAP2.

To configure the log output method:

  1. Stop all Performance Management services on the host on which the log output method is to be changed.
  2. Open the file jpccomm.ini with a program such as a text editor.
  3. Change the log file trapping method of the common message log.
    Correct the shaded part indicated below:



    Table 13-22 Items to edit in the file jpccomm.ini

    Section Label Values Default value Description
    [Common Section] Common Msglog Type 0|1 0 Log file output method for the common message log.
    • 0: Sequential file method
    • 1: Wrap-around file method
    Note the following when editing the file jpccomm.ini:
    • Do not enter a space at the beginning of a line or before or after an equal sign.
    • The file jpccomm.ini contains definition information in addition to the common message log file size. Do not change any values other than Common Msglog Type in the section Common Section. Performance Management might not run properly if values other than that for the required item are changed.
  4. Save, and then close the file jpccomm.ini.
  5. Start Performance Management services.

  • The settings for the common message log file are shared by the Performance Management programs on the same host.
  • Backup the file jpccomm.ini as necessary.
  • To restore the settings for the file jpccomm.ini to the default settings, copy the file jpccomm.ini.model, which is in the same folder, to jpccomm.ini.



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