Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide


4.3.5 When files or folders are not deleted after their retention period expires

Records are automatically deleted only if they exceed the retention period and corresponding new records are collected. Therefore, if previously collected records are set so that they are not to be collected again, the record data will not be deleted.

To delete such unnecessary records and folders:

  1. Use the jpcspm stop command to stop the appropriate PFM - Agent or PFM - RM.
  2. Search the appropriate directory in the Store database for DB/IDX files that contain the name of the record (database-ID_record-type, such as PI_PI) you want to delete.
  3. Manually delete the files that were found by the search.
  4. When the DB/IDX files are deleted in step 3, some folders with names that consist of dates (such as 1212 and 1219) might be left empty. If so, delete these empty folders as well.



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