Global Link Manager Software メッセージ
Global Link Managerエージェントに関するメッセージ(KAIF60000~KAIF61999)を次の表に示します。
表4-5 KAIF60000~KAIF61999:Global Link Managerエージェントのメッセージ
メッセージID メッセージテキスト KAIF60000-I HGLM Agent has started successfully. KAIF60001-I An XML request is received from HGLM Server. XML request = <XML要求> KAIF60002-I Processing to parse the <XML API名> XML request received from HGLM Server will now start. KAIF60003-I Processing to parse the <XMLエレメント名> XML request received from HGLM Server has succeeded. KAIF60004-E An invalid request is received from HGLM Server. Reason = XML element "<XMLエレメント名>" is missing. KAIF60005-E An XML request received from HGLM Server does not have necessary XML tag. tag = <XMLタグ名> KAIF60006-E An XML request received from HGLM Server does not have necessary property. property = <プロパティ名> KAIF60007-E An XML request received from HGLM Server does not have property value. property = <プロパティ名>, value = <プロパティ値> KAIF60008-I Processing to generate the <XML API名> XML response to HGLM Server will now start. KAIF60009-I An XML response sending to HGLM Server is generated successfully. XML response = <XML応答> KAIF60010-I HGLM SNMP Daemon has started successfully. KAIF60011-I HGLM SNMP Daemon has already started. KAIF60012-I HGLM SNMP Daemon has stopped successfully. KAIF60013-I HGLM SNMP Daemon has already stopped. KAIF60016-E An attempt to acquire install directory of HBsA has failed. Check if HBsA is installed. KAIF60017-I Install directory of HGLM Agent was acquired successfully. install directory = <インストールディレクトリ> KAIF60018-E An attempt to acquire install directory of Multipath Software has failed. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名> Check if Multipath software is installed. KAIF60019-I Processing to read the value of properties from <ファイル名> file will now start. KAIF60020-W File is not found. File = <ファイル名>. Process is continued with default value(s). KAIF60021-W <プロパティ名> property is not found in <ファイル名> file. Process is continued with default value. Refer the manual and set the property appropriately. KAIF60022-I Value of <プロパティ名> property is loaded from <ファイル名> file. Value = <取得したプロパティ値> KAIF60023-W Value of <プロパティ名> property loaded from <ファイル名> is invalid. Value = <取得したプロパティ値> Process is continued with default value. Refer the manual and set the value appropriately. KAIF60024-I Default value of <プロパティ名> property in <ファイル名> file is used. default value = <プロパティデフォルト値> KAIF60025-E Value of <プロパティ名> property loaded from <ファイル名> is invalid. value = <取得したプロパティ値> KAIF60026-E File is not found. file = <ファイル名> KAIF60027-E <プロパティ名> property is not found in <ファイル名> file. Collect the diagnostic information and contact the Support Center. KAIF60028-E The "<オブジェクト>" object is null. KAIF60029-I A command execution of Multipath Software has finished. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名>, return code = <戻り値> KAIF60030-I A command of Multipath Software will be executed now. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名> KAIF60031-I A command of Multipath Software was executed successfully. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名>,command output = <コマンド出力> KAIF60032-E An attempt to execute a command of Multipath Software has failed. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名>, detail = <コマンド実行結果> Check detail information to fix the cause of the failure. KAIF60033-I Processing to parse the result of the command of Multipath Software will now start. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名> KAIF60034-I Processing to parse the result of the command of Multipath Software was succeeded. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名> KAIF60035-E A necessary property does not exist at the result of the command of Multipath Software. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名>, property = <プロパティ名> Check if HGLM Agent supports the version of installed Multipath Software. KAIF60036-E An error for which processing cannot continue occurred. Check for the details below. KAIF60037-I <メソッド名> method begin. KAIF60038-I <メソッド名> method end. KAIF60039-I <メソッド名> method begin. Parameter(s) = (<パラメタ名>) KAIF60040-I <メソッド名> method end. Return value = (<戻り値>) KAIF60041-I Processing to write the value of properties into <プロパティファイル名> file will now start. KAIF60042-I Processing to write the value of properties into <プロパティファイル名> file ended successfully. KAIF60043-W Only partial path information will be retrieved for the path <パス名> because some of the path information is not available in the command output. Recover and enable all the paths having similar problem manually and then retry the operation. KAIF60044-E The license installed in the host is invalid. Install a valid license. KAIF60045-W Failed to acquire path I/O information. Check multi path software version and make sure that multi path software is gathering I/O statistics. If the problem still persists, collect the diagnostic information and contact the Support Center. KAIF60046-W Only internal disks are available in the command output. Check if the paths are connected. KAIF60047-I Registry key reading will now start. Registry key path=<レジストリー>, key=<キー名> KAIF60048-I Registry key reading ended successfully. Registry key path=<レジストリー>, key=<キー名>, value=<値> KAIF60049-W <プロパティ名> property is not found in <プロパティファイル名> file. Process is continued by updating the property and its value in the property file. KAIF60050-W Path information of one or more disks is not found in the command output. Process is continued by acquiring information of other disks. KAIF60051-W "Missing Disk" is found, for which no DMP information can be obtained. KAIF60052-E An attempt to acquire install directory of Multipath Software has failed. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>. Check if Multipath Software is installed. KAIF60053-W Invalid argument is passed as last parameter for the command, which resulted in command execution error. Process is continued by acquiring information of other disks. KAIF60054-W There is no array name in the command output. Check if the environment is proper or not. KAIF60055-W Failed to acquire path I/O performance information. Check if the environment is correct and the paths are connected. KAIF60056-I Execution of command <コマンド名> has started. KAIF60057-I Execution of command <コマンド名> has finished. KAIF60058-E Value of a necessary property does not exist at the result of the command of Multipath Software. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名>, property = <プロパティ名> Check if HGLM Agent supports the version of installed Multipath Software. KAIF60059-E Processing to retrieve the Storage system name failed. Array Name = <配列名>, Vendor = <ベンダー名>, Product = <プロダクト名> KAIF60060-E DMP version is invalid. Check if HGLM Agent supports the version of installed Multipath Software. DMP version = <DMPバージョン> KAIF60061-W <プロパティ名> of the <プロパティ名> is not = <プロパティ名> ,value = <プロパティの値> KAIF60062-W A property value in the command results of the multipath software is invalid. (multipath software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command =<コマンド名>, property = <プロパティ名>, value = <プロパティの値>) KAIF60063-E The specified path does not exist, or has not been updated on the host. (path ID = <パスID>, token = <トークン>) KAIF60064-E The multipath command was successfully executed, but an error was output. (multipath software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名>, output error = <エラー内容>) KAIF60065-E A request received from the HGLM server is invalid because the request contains an unnecessary XML element (<XMLエレメント>). KAIF60066-W <プロパティ名> property is not found in<ファイル名> file. Process is continued with default value. KAIF60067-W Value of <プロパティ名>property loaded from <ファイル名> is invalid. value = <取得したプロパティ値> Process is continued with default value. KAIF60100-E A path error was detected. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, path = <パス名>. Identify the cause of failure of the path and recover the path. KAIF60102-I HGLM SNMP information? <StartまたはStop> KAIF60103-E An error occurred on all the paths of the LU. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, metadevice = <メタデバイス名>. Identify the cause of failure of the paths and recover the paths. KAIF60104-I <メソッド名> method begin. parameter(s) = (<パラメーター名>) KAIF60105-I <メソッド名> method end. Return value = (<戻り値>) KAIF60106-I Startup processing for HGLM SNMP Daemon will now start. KAIF60107-I HGLM SNMP Daemon has started successfully. pid = <HGLM SNMP Daemonのpid> KAIF60108-I HGLM SNMP Daemon has already started. pid = <HGLM SNMP Daemonのpid> KAIF60109-I The processing to stop HGLM SNMP Daemon will now start. pid = <HGLM SNMP Daemonのpid> KAIF60110-I HGLM SNMP Daemon has stopped successfully. pid = <HGLM SNMP Daemonのpid> KAIF60111-W HGLM SNMP Daemon has already stopped. KAIF60112-I Processing to read the value of properties from <ファイル名> file will now start. KAIF60113-W File is not found. File = <ファイル名>. Process is continued with default value(s). KAIF60114-W <プロパティ名> property is not found in <プロパティファイル名> file. Process is continued with default value. Refer the manual and set the property appropriately. KAIF60115-I Value of <プロパティ名> property is loaded from <ファイル名> file. Value = <取得したプロパティ値> KAIF60116-W Value of <プロパティ名> property loaded from <ファイル名> is invalid. value = <取得したプロパティ値> Process is continued with default value. Refer the manual and set the value appropriately. KAIF60117-I Default value of <プロパティ名> property in <プロパティファイル名> file is used. Default value = <プロパティのデフォルト値> KAIF60119-E File is not found. File = <ファイル名> KAIF60120-E <プロパティ名> property is not found in <プロパティファイル名> file. Collect the diagnostic information and contact the Support Center. KAIF60121-E Value of <プロパティ名> property loaded from <プロパティファイル名> is invalid. value = <プロパティ値>. KAIF60122-I SNMP Trap transfer is not enabled. KAIF60123-I Install directory of Multipath Software was acquired successfully. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, install directory = <インストールディレクトリ> KAIF60124-W An attempted to acquire install directory of Multipath Software has failed. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名> Check if Multipath Software is installed. KAIF60125-I Thread (<スレッド名>) has been initialized successfully. KAIF60126-E Error occurred during the start of the thread <スレッド名>. KAIF60127-I Thread (<スレッド名>) has been terminated successfully. KAIF60129-I Thread (<スレッド名>) received a notification. KAIF60130-I Thread (<スレッド名>) will now be placed in a waiting state. KAIF60131-E An error for which processing cannot continue occurred. Details = (<詳細>) KAIF60132-I Alert information was received from Multipath Software. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, alert information = <受信したアラート情報> KAIF60133-I Processing to parse the alert information will now start. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, alert information = <アラートを区別できる情報> KAIF60134-I Processing to parse the alert information was succeeded. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, alert information = <アラートを区別できる情報> KAIF60135-I An attempt to execute a parse processing of alert information has failed. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, alert information = <アラートを区別できる情報>. KAIF60136-I Processing to generate an alert will now start. alert = <アラートを区別できる情報> KAIF60137-I Processing to generate an alert was executed successfully. alert = <アラートを区別できる情報> KAIF60138-I Processing to send alert will now start. alert = <アラートを区別できる情報>, target IP address = <送信先のIPアドレス>, target port number = <送信先のポート番号> KAIF60139-I Processing to send an alert has succeeded. alert = <アラートを区別できる情報>, target IP address = <送信先のIPアドレス>, target port number = <送信先のポート番号> KAIF60140-I A command of Multipath Software will be executed now. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名> KAIF60141-I A command of Multipath Software was executed successfully. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名> KAIF60142-E An attempt to execute a command of Multipath Software has failed. Multipath Software = <マルチパスソフトウェア名>, command = <コマンド名>, detail = <コマンド実行結果> Check detail information to fix the cause of the failure. KAIF60143-I Processing to write the value of properties into <プロパティファイル名> file will now start. KAIF60144-I Processing to write the value of properties into <プロパティファイル名> file ended successfully. KAIF60145-E A path was removed. PathName = <パス名>, Disk = <ディスク名>. KAIF60146-I A path has arrived. PathName = <パス名>, Disk = <ディスク名>. KAIF60147-E All of the paths of the Disk were removed. Disk = <ディスク名>. KAIF60155-E A path was removed. PathName = <パス名>. KAIF60156-I A path has arrived. PathName = <パス名>. KAIF60157-E All of the paths connected to the LU were deleted. (multipath LU name = <マルチパスLU名>) KAIF60158-W The multipath command output a warning. (command = <コマンド名>, message = <ワーニング>) KAIF60159-E An unexpected error occurred. Details = <詳細メッセージ> KAIF60160-I <メソッド名> = method name. KAIF60161-I <メソッド名> method end. KAIF60162-E <API名> API failed with the return code = <エラーコード>. Please refer the MSDN site for the detailed cause and description of the error. KAIF60163-E An attempt to read registry for obtaining <レジストリキー> path failed. KAIF60500-E The specified first parameter is not a directory. value = <指定したパラメタ値> Execute the HGLM command (<コマンド名>) with “-h” parameter to check the parameters. Specify the correct parameter, and then retry. KAIF60501-E A file specified by HGLM command (<コマンド名>) does not exist. file = <ファイル名>
Specify the existing file, and try again. If the file exists, check access permission of the file.KAIF60502-E A necessary parameter is not specified. HGLM command = <hglmsnmp.shまたはhglmagtgetras.exe>. Execute the HGLM command with “-h" parameter to check the parameters. Specify the correct parameter, and then retry. KAIF60503-E There is no write permission for the directory specified by HGLM command (<コマンド名>). directory = <指定したディレクトリ名> Specify a directory that user has a write permission, and then try again. KAIF60504-E There is no permission for executing HGLM command (<コマンド名>).
Execute the command as a user with root privileges.KAIF60505-E Processing terminated before completion because a signal was received. Retry HGLM command (<コマンド名>) again. KAIF60506-E An attempt to archive the error information failed. details = <アーカイブコマンドの出力メッセージ> See the details, and then remove the cause of the error. Error Information is in the HGLMagtgetras_tmp that exists under the output directory specified at the time of execution. Collect it and contact the Support Center. KAIF60507-E An attempt to compress the error information has failed. detail =<圧縮コマンドの出力メッセージ> See the details, and then remove the cause of the error. For error information, collect the archive in the output directory specified at the time of execution, and contact the Support Center. KAIF60508-I HGLM command will be executed now. command = <hglmagtgetras.exeまたはコマンド名>, parameter = <指定されたパラメタ> KAIF60509-I Process to collect information of HGLM Agent will start now. KAIF60510-I The file has been obtained successfully. file = <ファイル名>, Collection time = <日時> (GMT: <日時>) KAIF60511-I Process to collect information of HGLM Agent was executed. KAIF60512-I Process to collect information of HBsA will start now. KAIF60513-I Process to collect information of HBsA was executed. KAIF60514-I Process to collect information of VxVM will start now. KAIF60515-I Process to collect information of VxVM was executed. KAIF60516-E No archive files were created because no files were collected by HGLM command (hglmagtgetras). If '-f' option was selected, modify the file <収集情報定義ファイル> and execute HGLM command again. If the problem still persists, contact the Support Center. KAIF60518-E Multiple instances of the HGLM command (<コマンド名>) cannot be executed concurrently. KAIF60519-I HGLM command (<コマンド名>) processing was aborted because n was entered in reply to the acknowledgment. KAIF60520-E Root directory is specified in the first parameter. Specify a directory except for root in the first parameter of HGLM command (<コマンド名>), and then retry. KAIF60521-E Invalid parameter was specified. HGLM command = <hglmsnmp.shまたはhglmagtgetras.exe>, parameter = <指定されたパラメタまたは指定された不正パラメタ>. Execute the HGLM command with “-h" parameter to check the parameters. Specify the correct parameter, and then retry. KAIF60522-E A duplicate parameter is specified. HGLM command = <hglmsnmp.shまたはhglmagtgetras>, parameter = <重複指定されたパラメタ>. Delete the duplicate parameter, and then retry. KAIF60523-E A value of <指定された不正パラメタ> parameter is not specified. Execute the HGLM command (<コマンド名>) with “-h” parameter to check the parameters. Specify the correct parameter, and then retry. KAIF60524-E The format of a file specified by HGLM command (<コマンド名>) is invalid. file = <ファイル名> Specify a text file, and then retry. KAIF60525-W A file that HGLM command (<コマンド名>) will create has already existed in the specified directory. Replace it? If y is specified, it is replaced. If n or other key is specified, HGLM command is finished without execution. [y/n]: KAIF60526-W A temporary directory has already existed. temporary directory = <ユーザ指定ディレクトリまたはHGLMagtgetras_tmp>
Process is continued with overwrite existing directory.KAIF60527-E An attempt to generate the temporary directory has failed. temporary directory= <ユーザ指定ディレクトリまたはHGLMagtgetras_tmp>, detail =<ディレクトリ作成コマンドのエラーメッセージ> See the details, and then remove the cause of the error. After that, try HGLM command (hglmagtgetras) again. KAIF60528-W An attempt to delete the directory has failed. temporary directory = <ユーザ指定ディレクトリまたはHGLMagtgetras_tmp>, detail =<ディレクトリ削除コマンドのエラーメッセージ> See the details, and then remove the cause of the error. After that, remove a directory. The process is continued. KAIF60529-W A root directory is specified the file for defining the information to be collected. file = <"-f"パラメタで指定したファイル名>, line = <行番号> Delete the description of the root directory in the <"-f"パラメタで指定したファイル名> file. HGLM command (hglmagtgetras) continues the processing without collecting the root directory. KAIF60530-W Two or more file/directory are specified in one line in the file for defining the information to be collected. file = <"-f"パラメタで指定したファイル名>, line = <行番号>, value = <行番号に指定したファイル名またはディレクトリ名> HGLM command (hglmagtgetras) continues processing without collecting files specified specified at line <行番号>. After the command finished, modify the line <行番号> and execute HGLM command again. KAIF60531-W The file/directory specified in the file for defining the information to be collected doesn't exist. file = <"-f"パラメタで指定したファイル名>, line = <行番号>, value = <行番号に指定したファイル名またはディレクトリ名> HGLM command (hglmagtgetras) continues processing without collecting files specified at line <行番号>. After the command finished, modify the line <行番号> and execute HGLM command again. KAIF60532-W There is no read permission for the file/directory specified in the file for defining the information to be collected. file = <"-f"パラメタで指定したファイル名>, line = <行番号>, value = <行番号に指定したファイル名またはディレクトリ名> HGLM command (hglmagtgetras) continues processing without collecting files specified at line <行番号>. After the command finished, modify the line <行番号> and execute HGLM command again. KAIF60533-W The file for defining the information to be collected does not exist, or cannot be read. file =<ファイル名> Check whether the specified file for defining the information to be collected exists, and check whether there is access permission for the specified file. HGLM command (<コマンド名>) continues the processing. KAIF60534-E The file could not be copied. file = <コピーを試みたファイル名>, details = <リターンコードまたはコピーコマンドの出力メッセージ>
Check the system configuration.KAIF60535-W The file of the same name has already existed in the temporary directory. temporary directory = <ユーザ指定ディレクトリまたはHGLMagtgetras_tmp>, file = <コピーするファイル> The process is continued with overwrite the file. KAIF60536-W An attempt to generate the log file has failed. log file = </var/tmp/HGLMAgent_util.logまたは\hglmagtgetras\HGLMAgent_util.log>, detail = <ファイル作成コマンドのエラーメッセージ> See the details, and then remove the cause of the error. Process continues without collecting log information. KAIF60537-W The directory specified in the file for defining the information to be collected and the collection directory value cannot be same. file = <収集情報定義ファイル名>, line = <行番号>, value = <値>, collection directory = <出力ディレクトリ>. HGLM command (hglmagtgetras) continues processing without collecting files specified at line <行番号>. After the command finished, modify the line <行番号> and execute HGLM command again. KAIF60538-E No parameters has been specified KAIF60539-I Copying <コピーするファイル> KAIF60540-I Collection of diagnostic information from the HGLM Agent will now start. KAIF60541-I Collection of diagnostic information from the HGLM Agent will now end. KAIF60542-E Collection of diagnostic information from the HGLM Agent failed. (Reason : Internal Error Occurred) KAIF60543-E Too many parameter has been specified. KAIF60544-E User does not have sufficient privilege to execute the command. KAIF60545-W The directory that specified is already exist. Replace it? If y is specified, it is replaced. If n or other key is specified, HGLM command is finished without execution. [y/n]: KAIF60546-E The file size for collecting eventlog information should be in the range of 1 - 4096 in the units of MB. KAIF60547-I A user terminated the utility for collecting HGLM error information. KAIF60548-I The file has been obtained successfully. file = <収集ファイル名>. KAIF60549-W An attempt to acquire install directory of Multipath Software has failed. Multipath Software. Check if Multipath Software is installed. KAIF60550-W An attempt to acquire install directory of HBsA has failed. Check if HBsA is installed. KAIF60551-W An attempt to acquire install directory of HGLM Agent has failed. Check if HGLM Agent is installed. KAIF60552-E An attempt to create the directory which is specified as first parameter to the command has failed. directory = <ディレクトリ名>, error code = <リターンコード> KAIF60553-E An attempt to delete the directory has failed. directory = <ディレクトリ名>, error code = <リターンコード> KAIF60554-I Collecting diagnostic information. Please wait. KAIF60555-W Directory doest not exist. directory = <ディレクトリ名> KAIF60556-E The relative directory name specified with the command should not start with "-". Retry the operation by specifying a valid directory name. KAIF60557-I Process to collect information of multi path command result will start now. KAIF60558-I Process to collect information of multi path command result was executed. KAIF60559-W execute command was failed. commandline = <ディレクトリ名>, return = <リターンコード>, description = <コマンド実行時のstdoutおよびstderr>
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