
In-Memory Data Grid Hitachi Elastic Application Data Store

10.6.1 How to terminate the EADS servers

This subsection explains how to terminate disk caches and two-way caches.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Close the cluster

Execute the eztool close command to close the cluster.

eztool close

Command execution example


(2) Verify that the cluster is closed

After you have closed the EADS servers, execute the eztool status command to check the status of the cluster.

eztool status

Command execution example


If the cluster is closed, closed is displayed in the State column.

(3) Terminate the EADS servers

Execute the eztool stop command to terminate the disk caches and two-way caches and then terminate all EADS servers in the cluster.

eztool stop

Command execution example


If there are no memory caches on the EADS servers, no store data files are created when the eztool stop command is executed.

(4) Verify that the EADS servers have been terminated

Check the message logs of the EADS servers.
