Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


Appendix D.3 Operators

There are the following three types of operators. With these operators, you can concatenate character strings, perform numerical calculations, or use an If statement to perform comparison operations.

When using any of these operators, place a space both before and after it.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Character string operators
(2) Numeric value operators
(3) Comparison operators

(1) Character string operators

Operator Function Remarks
& Concatenates character strings. 0 to 128 characters

The ampersand (&) character string operator can concatenate character strings. The character strings to be concatenated and the variables for containing the combined character string must be a character string type (String). Each of the character strings can have up to 128 characters. The character string made by concatenation also has up to 128 characters. If the number of characters in the character string exceeds 128 during concatenation, the excess is truncated (the processing is continued).

You can assign a zero-length character string to a variable, using double quotation marks ("").

Dim S As String
Dim Ch1 As String
Dim Ch2 As String
Ch1 = ""          ' (Initialize Ch1 with a zero-length string)
Ch1 = "JP1/SD "
Ch2 = "for WindowsNT"
S = Ch1 & Ch2
MsgBox(S, 30)     ' "Software Distribution for WindowsNT" is displayed
                  ' in the message box.

(2) Numeric value operators

Operator Function Remarks
+ Performs the addition of integers. -32,768 to 32,767
- Performs the subtraction of integers. None.
* Performs the multiplication of integers. None.
/ Performs the division of integers. Digits below the decimal point are truncated.

You perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numeric values using numeric value operators. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. It is not possible to change the calculation sequence by using left and right parentheses ( and ).

The numeric values to be calculated and the variables for storing the calculation results must be integer type (Integer). The numeric values from -32,768 to 32,767 can be used for calculation. The calculation result must also be -32,768 to 32,767. If a calculation produces a value outside the -32,768 to 32,767 range, the subsequent statements are not executed and the script is terminated. When there is an On InstallError statement for handling this error, the postprocessing specified in the statement is executed.

Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim K As Integer
I = 6
J = 2
K = I * J + I / J - 1    ' K is assigned 14

(3) Comparison operators

Operator Function Remarks
= 1. Substitutes a variable c = a + b
2. Checks for equality Used in an If statement (IF a = b Then...)
< Less than Used in an If statement
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
<> Not equal to

When comparison operators are used in If statements as shown below, a comparison can be performed. Data of the character string type, numeric type, or system type can be used as the left and right sides to be compared in an expression.

The data types of the left and right sides must be the same. More than one comparison operator cannot be used in one expression.

Dim S As String
Dim I As Integer
S = "JP1/SD"
If S = "JP1/SD"    ' This becomes true
End If
If S = "SD"       ' This becomes false
End If
If S = "JP1/SD Client"  ' This becomes false
End If
I = 10
If I > 9            ' This becomes true
End If