Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


Appendix A.9 List of JP1/Software Distribution Inventory Viewer window menus

The following table shows a list of JP1/Software Distribution Inventory Viewer window menus.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Displaying
(2) Counting clients
(3) Editing a template

(1) Displaying

Menu Function Dialog box
File Save to Template Saves the current display settings to the template. --
Save to CSV File Saves all inventory information and column names being displayed to a CSV-formatted file. Save to CSV File
Print Prints all inventory information and column names being displayed. --
Print Preview Displays a print image. --
Heading and Footer Settings Sets headers and footers for printing. Set Header and Footer Settings
Exit Closes Inventory Viewer. --
Edit Copy Copies the selected range of items to the clipboard in CSV format. --
View Host-Selection Window Displays the Host-Selection window for selecting the hosts to be displayed or counted. --
Template Management Window Displays a template management window. --
Hide Column Hides selected columns. --
Hide Same Data Rows Hides all rows that contain selected data. --
Ascending Sort Using selected columns as keys, arranges the data in ascending order of ASCII code. A maximum of three consecutive columns can be treated as sort keys, where keys are prioritized from left to right. --
Descending Sort Using selected columns as keys, arranges the data in descending order of ASCII code. A maximum of three consecutive columns can be treated as sort keys, where keys are prioritized from left to right. --
Toolbar Toggles the Toolbar between show and hide. --
Status Bar Toggles the Status Bar between show and hide. --
Refresh Executes a display operation under the current display conditions, using a specified host group as a display target. --
Change Table Font Changes the font for the table displayed in the Table-format window and in the Details pane of the Count Clients window. Font
Execute Count Clients Executes a counting operation according to the conditions that are set by the Count Clients wizard. Condition Settings
Apply View Displays the inventory information according to the conditions that are set by the View wizard. Condition Settings
Use Template Executes counting or display operations according to conditions that are stored in a template. --
Tools Start Remote Control Manager Starts Remote Control Manager and connects it to a selected host. Select Host
Help Contents Displays JP1/Software Distribution online help. --
Version Displays inventory viewer version information. --

Legend: -- Not displayed.

(2) Counting clients

Menu bar Function Dialog box
File Close Closes the window that displays the results of counting. --
Save to CSV File Save Count Result to CSV File Saves all inventory information and column names displayed in the Count pane to a CSV-formatted file. Save to CSV File
Save Details to CSV File Saves all inventory information and column names displayed in the Details window to a CSV-formatted file. Save to CSV File
Print Prints all inventory information and column names that are displayed in the Count pane. --
Print Preview Displays a print image. --
Header and Footer Sets headers and footers for printing. Header and Footer Settings
Exit Closes Inventory Viewer. --
Edit Copy Copies a selected range of items in the Details window to the clipboard in CSV format, including graphics, if any. --
Select All Selects all information that is selected in the window. --
Invert Selection Inverts the selected items in the selected window. --
View Host-Selection Window Displays the Host-Selection window for selecting the hosts to be displayed or counted. --
Template Management Window Displays a template management window. --
Hide Column Hides the columns that are selected in the Details window. --
Hide Same Data Rows Hides all rows in the Details window that contain selected data. --
Hide Same Hosts If multiple rows of a given host are displayed in the Details window, displays one row to avoid duplication. --
Suppress Display When Machine Count is 0 Suppresses the display of counting categories showing only zero results; this rule also applies to graphs. --
Ascending Sort Using selected columns as keys in the Details window, arranges the data in ascending order of ASCII code. A maximum of three consecutive columns can be treated as sort keys, where keys are prioritized from left to right. --
Descending Sort Using selected columns as keys in the Details window, arranges the data in descending order of ASCII code. A maximum of three consecutive columns can be treated as sort keys, where keys are prioritized from left to right. --
Toolbar Toggles the Toolbar between show and hide. --
Status Bar Toggles the Status Bar between show and hide. --
Change Table Font Changes the font for the table displayed in the Table-format window and in the Details pane of the Count Clients window. Font
Graph 3D Bar Graph Specifies the graph type as a 3D bar graph. --
3D Circle Graph Specifies the graph type as a 3D pie graph. --
Font Changes label fonts that are used in graphs. Font
Execute Count Clients Executes a counting operation according to the conditions that are set by the Count Clients wizard. --
Apply View Displays the inventory according to the conditions that are set by the Count Clients wizard. --
Create Host Group from Count On a host belonging to a specific counting category, creates a host group. Create Host Group from Count
Use Template Executes counting or display operations according to conditions that are stored in a template. --
Tools Start Remote Control Manager Starts Remote Control Manager and connects it to a selected host. Select Host
Help Contents Displays JP1/Software Distribution online help. --
Version Displays inventory viewer version information. --

Legend: -- Not displayed.

(3) Editing a template

Menu Function Dialog box
File Create Folder Creates a new folder at a specified hierarchy level. --
Open Opens a template to make it available for editing. --
Delete Deletes folders and templates. --
Rename Renames folders or templates. --
Exit Closes the Template Management window. --
Edit Cut Cuts folders and templates, and copies them to the clipboard. --
Copy Copies folders and templates to the clipboard. --
Paste Pastes folders and templates, copied to the clipboard, to a specified folder. --

Legend: -- Not displayed.