Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


3.1.2 Registry information collection procedure

To collect registry information, you must first define the information to be collected as registry collection items. The registry collection items must be created and distributed to applicable clients before executing the job.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Creating registry collection items
(2) Distributing registry collection items
(3) Collecting registry information in a hierarchy of managing servers

(1) Creating registry collection items

Before executing a Get system information from client job, create registry collection items. In the Define Registry Collection dialog box, you can also modify or delete existing registry collection items.

To create registry collection items:

  1. In the System Configuration, Destination, Package, Job Definition, Job Status or Directory Information window, from the Options menu, choose Define Registry Collection.
    The Define Registry Collection dialog box is displayed.
  2. Choose Add.
    The Edit dialog box is displayed.
    To modify or delete an existing registry collection item, select it from List of registry collection items and choose Change or Delete.
  3. Specify each item.

    Figure 3-5 Edit dialog box


    Item name
    Enter an item name for the registry information to be collected. You can enter a maximum of 255 item names, with each name consisting of up to 64 characters. The following special characters are not permitted (any spaces at the end of a character string are ignored):
    \ / * " ' : ; , &
    If the registry path and OS type are different, you can specify the same registry information item names.
    You must specify names that are different from those used in the system information and user inventory information. If you specify the same names, information display and collection by Inventory Viewer may not be executed correctly.
    Registry path
    Specify the registry path for registry information collection.
    The sum of the lengths of Root key, Path, and Registry cannot exceed 253 characters. You cannot set the same registry path more than once.
    In Root key, select the root key of a desired registry, and then in the Path field, specify a desired registry path. To collect information about the registry immediately under the root key, omit Path and Registry.
    Path cannot contain more than one consecutive backslash (\). Any backslashes at the end of the path are ignored. In the Registry field, enter the desired registry name. Do not specify Registry for a default or an unnamed registry.
    The following special characters and the tab character are not permitted:
    ; [ ]
    Operating system
    Select the operating system for registry information collection. You can specify multiple OSs per item. If you select Any, JP1/Software Distribution collects registry information for all OSs.
    If the item subject to registry information collection is managed on a higher system or on both the higher and local systems, this option becomes active, enabling you to change the item's access attribute.
    To use the local system to manage an item that is also managed on a higher server, select the Enable the registry definition of managing servers check box. The item managed on the higher server is then treated as an item managed on both the higher and local servers. If it is no longer necessary to use the local system to manage an item also managed on the higher server, deselect this check box. That item is then managed on the higher server.
  4. Choose OK.
    The registry information item is created, and a dialog box appears for specifying whether or not to execute a Transfer registry collection definition job. Choosing Yes enables you to create the job and distribute the registry information item to a subsystem. Choosing No enables you to create a job in the Destination, System Configuration or Directory Information window and then distribute the registration information item.

(2) Distributing registry collection items

To distribute a registry information item to a subsystem, start with the following dialog box or window:

To distribute a registry information item using the Destination, System Configuration or Directory Information window:

  1. In the Destination, System Configuration or Directory Information window, from the Execute menu, choose Execute Job; or, in the Job Definition window, from the File menu, choose Create Job.
    The Define New Job dialog box appears.
  2. In the Define New Job dialog box, specify the job type, and then choose OK.
    For the job type, select Transfer registry collection definition.
    The Create Job dialog box appears.
  3. In the Create Job dialog box, specify the items on each page.
    The Create Job dialog box contains the following pages and definition items:
    Job page
    Specify the job name. For details about how to specify a value on the Job page, see 8.2.3 Setting up the Job page.
    Destination page
    Specify the host or hosts to which you wish to transfer the registry information item. Specify at least one host. For details about how to specify a value on the Destination page, see 8.2.4 Setting up the Destination page.
    Schedule page
    Specify the registration date/time, execution date/time, and execution time limit. For details about how to specify values on the Schedule page, see 8.2.5 Setting up the Schedule page.
  4. Choose Execute, Save, or Save and Execute to save and/or execute the job.

(3) Collecting registry information in a hierarchy of managing servers

When you distribute registry information items via a relay manager in a hierarchy of managing servers, a relay manager merges registry information items. The relay manager merges all registry information items distributed from the central manager into the registry information items under its own management, and then transfers them to the subsystems.

The relay manager administrator can specify whether or not the relay manager also manages the central manager's registry information items.

(a) Merging registry information items at the relay manager

The relay manager merges registry information items transferred from the central manager and then transfers them to the subsystems. If the registry path of an item to be obtained by the relay manager matches that of an item obtained by the central manager, the relay manager treats the items as items managed on higher and local servers. Additionally, the relay manager treats items to be managed only by the central manager as items managed on the higher server and items to be managed only by the relay manager as items managed on the local server.

When a Get system information from client job is executed, all information is reported from the client. In such a case, only those items that are to be obtained by the central manager are transferred to it, and these items are incorporated into the central manager's relational database. The central manager can check only those registry items intended for it. The items that are to be obtained by the relay manager and the items managed on higher and local servers are incorporated into the relay manager's database, all of which can then be checked.

The following figure shows collection of registry information in a hierarchy of managing servers.

Figure 3-6 Collection of registry information in a hierarchy of managing servers


(b) Changing the management attribute using the relay manager

You can use the Define Registry Collection dialog box to check merged registry information items or to change their management attribute.

Figure 3-7 Define Registry Collection dialog box


The management attribute for registry information items is displayed as follows:

Higher server
Indicates an item to be obtained by the central manager.

Local server
Indicates an item to be obtained by the relay manager.

Local and higher servers
Indicates an item to be obtained by both the central manager and relay manager.

You can change this attribute so that the relay manager also manages items managed on the higher server.

To change attributes:

  1. In the Define Registry Collection dialog box, select the item whose attribute you want to change, and then choose Change.
    The Edit dialog box appears.
  2. Under Access, select or deselect the Enable the registry definition of managing servers check box.
    If you select this check box, the item is managed on the higher and local servers; if you deselect it, the item is managed on the higher server.