Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.30 netmdm_jobgen_pack

This table stores the following part of the job definition information: package information specified in the job. This table is used only for jobs that specify packages. There is one table for each package that is specified during job creation. This table is associated with netmdm_jobgen.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_folder1 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 1 1
dm_folder2 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 2 2
dm_folder3 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 3 3
dm_folder4 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 4 4
dm_jobgenname VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job name 5
dm_dmtype CHAR 1 char 1 MCHAR 1 Type of Packager used for packaging:
  • C: WS (UNIX)
  • D: PC (Windows)
dm_cabinetid CHAR 2 char 2 MCHAR 2 ID of the cabinet containing the package 7
dm_packageid VARCHAR2 44 varchar 44 MVARCHAR 44 Package ID 8
dm_version VARCHAR2 8 varchar 8 MVARCHAR 8 Package version 9
dm_generation VARCHAR2 4 varchar 4 MVARCHAR 4 Package generation number 10
dm_jobtype CHAR 1 char 1 CHAR 1 Job type subcode:
  • F: Forced installation
  • Space: Subcode not specified
dm_attrinf BLOB -- image -- BINARY 784 Package attributes --
dm_scriptfile LONG RAW -- image -- BLOB -- Job script file entity --
dm_systeminf RAW 255 binary 255 BINARY 255 JP1/Software Distribution Manager management information --
dm_nodename VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Route information about the destination that consists of an ID key for operations (host ID or node identification key) --
dm_nodename2 VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Route information about the destination that consists of a node identification key (host name or IP address) --
dm_installationturn NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Package installation order --

--: Not applicable