Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.29 netmdm_jobgen_node

This table stores the following part of the job definition information: information about the hosts that are targets of executed jobs. There is one table for each host that is specified during job creation. The table is associated with netmdm_jobgen.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_folder1 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 1 (if not used, NULL) 1
dm_folder2 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 2 (if not used, NULL) 2
dm_folder3 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 3 (if not used, NULL) 3
dm_folder4 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 4 (if not used, NULL) 4
dm_jobgenname VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job name 5
dm_clientname VARCHAR2 65 varchar 65 MVARCHAR 65 Name of relay system, client, ID group, or host group that is a target of executed jobs# --
dm_nodeattributes NUMBER 15 int 4 INTEGER -- Attribute of dm_nodename:
  • 0x00000000: Host group specified in the Destination window
  • 0x00000001: Client specified in the Destination window
  • 0x00000002: Relay system specified in the Destination window
  • 0x00000004: ID group specified in the Destination window
  • 0x01000001: Client specified in the System Configuration window
  • 0x01000002: Relay system specified in the System Configuration window
  • 0x80000000: Any host that was specified
dm_systeminf RAW 17 binary 17 BINARY 17 JP1/Software Distribution Manager management information --
dm_nodename VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Route information about the destination that consists of an ID key for operations (host ID or node identification key) 6
dm_descriptor NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- JP1/Software Distribution Manager management information --
dm_nodename2 VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Route information about the destination that consists of a node identification key (host name or IP address) --

--: Not applicable

If the stored information is a host group name, the data depends on the version of JP1/Software Distribution:
  • JP1/Software Distribution version 06-00 or earlier: Host group name including the route from top to terminal levels
  • JP1/Software Distribution version 06-01 or later: Host group name of the terminal level