Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.24 netmdm_jobgen

This table stores job definition information. There is one table for each job that is created, and the table stores the header information for the job. The table is associated with netmdm_jobgen_node and netmdm_jobgen_pack.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_folder1 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 1 (if not used, NULL) 1
dm_folder2 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 2 (if not used, NULL) 2
dm_folder3 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 3 (if not used, NULL) 3
dm_folder4 VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job definition folder level 4 (if not used, NULL) 4
dm_kind NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Line type:
  • 1: Folder information line
  • 2: Job definition information line
  • 5: ID group job definition information line
dm_jobgenname VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 Job name 5
dm_jobgenattributes CHAR 1 char 1 CHAR 1 Job type code:
  • A: Acquire collected files from relay system
  • C: Batch delete packages on relay system
  • D: Install package
  • E: Report job deletion
  • F: Resume file transfer
  • G: Collect files from client
  • H: Hold report
  • I: Get software information from client
  • J: Send package, allow client to choose
  • K: Delete collected files from relay system
  • L: ID group operation
  • M: Transfer package to relay system
  • N: Get system configuration information
  • O: Edit system configuration information
  • P: Suspend file transfer
  • S: Collect files from client to relay system
  • T: Hold-report release
  • U: Transfer user inventory schema to client
  • V: Get system information from client
  • Y: Transfer registry collection definition
  • 1: Report message
  • 8: Set the software monitoring policy
  • 9: Get software monitoring information from the client
dm_jobtype CHAR 1 char 1 CHAR 1 Job type subcode:
  • F: Forced installation
  • Space: Other than forced installation
dm_createtime DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Date and time the job definition was created --
dm_updatetime DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Last date and time the job definition was updated --
dm_systeminf RAW 20 binary 20 BINARY 20 JP1/Software Distribution Manager management information --
dm_workday VARCHAR2 6 varchar 6 MVARCHAR 6 Execution date at the client expressed in the format YYMMDD.
This column is applicable when the execution time and execution interval are specified for monthly execution.
dm_worktime VARCHAR2 6 varchar 6 MVARCHAR 6 Execution time at the client expressed in the format hhmmss.
This column is applicable when the execution time and execution interval are specified.
dm_execday VARCHAR2 2 varchar 2 MVARCHAR 2 Execution date at the client expressed in the format DD.
This column is applicable when the execution interval is specified for monthly execution.
dm_execweek NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Execution day of the week at the client.
This column is applicable when the execution interval is specified.
  • 0x01: Sunday
  • 0x02: Monday
  • 0x04: Tuesday
  • 0x08: Wednesday
  • 0x10: Thursday
  • 0x20: Friday
  • 0x40: Saturday
dm_exectiming VARCHAR2 1 varchar 1 MVARCHAR 1 Execution timing at the client:
  • B: When client starts
  • E: While client is running
  • S: When client terminates
dm_attrflag RAW 1 binary 1 BINARY 1 Attribute flag:
  • 0x00: Job of the local system
  • 0x01: Job transferred from another system
dm_userinfoption RAW 1 binary 1 BINARY 1 User inventory acquisition option:
  • 0x00: Acquire both system information and user inventory information
  • 0x01: Acquire only user inventory information
dm_userinfsendoption RAW 1 binary 1 BINARY 1 Immediate reporting option for user inventory acquisition:
  • 0x00: Report during job execution
  • 0x01: Report immediately
  • 0x02: Report only when a change is made
dm_reginfoption RAW 1 binary 1 BINARY 1 Registry information and system information acquisition option
For JP1/Software Distribution version 06-52 or earlier:
  • 0x00: Acquire differing registry information and all system information.
  • 0x01: Acquire all registry information and all system information
For JP1/Software Distribution version 06-71 or later:
  • 0x02: Acquire differing registry information and all system information.
  • 0x03: Acquire all registry information and all system information
  • 0x06: Acquire differing registry information and differing system information.
  • 0x07: Acquire all registry information and differing system information.
dm_woloption CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Client control and distribution method:
  • 0x01: Start the destination.
  • 0x02: Shut down the destination.
  • 0x04: Execute multicast distribution.
  • 0x08: Distribute (even to a suspended destination)
  • 0x40: Do not archive the software operation information
dm_splitsize NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Split size --
dm_transinterval NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Distribution interval --
dm_schoption CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Type of scheduling information.
The value of this column is a combination of the following numeric values:
  • NULL: Scheduling not specified
  • 1: Specify job registration date/time
  • 2: Specify job execution date/time
  • 4: Specify job execution time limit
dm_entrytime DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Job registration date/time --
dm_eventtime DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Job execution date/time --
dm_timeout DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Job execution time limit --

--: Not applicable