Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.23 netmdm_inventry

This table stores system information for each client. Each record contains detailed system information for one client (such as CPU type and free hard disk space).

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_nodename VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Host name of the client 1
dm_sysinfname RAW 2 binary 1 SMALLINT -- Type of system information 2
dm_exkind CHAR 1 char 1 VARCHAR 1 Extension type of system information 3
dm_systeminf VARCHAR2 200 varchar 200 MVARCHAR 200 Value of system information --
dm_subinf VARCHAR2 200 varchar 200 MVARCHAR 200 Subordinate information for system information --

--: Not applicable

The following table shows the values of the individual columns for each system information item:

System information dm_sysinfname dm_exkind dm_systeminf
CPU type 0x01
  • 1: Intel x86/Pentium
  • 2: COMPAQ Alpha or HP Alpha
  • 3: MIPS R Series
  • 4: Motorola PowerPC
  • 6: AMD
  • 7: Cyrix
  • 8: IDT
  • A: RISE
  • B: Hitachi SH
  • C: Transmeta
  • D: ARM
  • E: Intel IPF
  • F: AMD64
  • G: Intel EM64T
  • 9: Other
See CPU type below.
Existence of coprocessor 0x02 0x00
  • 1: Yes
  • 0: No
Installed RAM 0x03 0x00 Decimal value in megabytes
Workstation type (applicable to UNIX only) 0x04 0x00 UNIX machine type
CPU clock speed 0x05 0x00 CPU clock speed in MHz
Machine information 0x06 0x01: Manufacturer PC manufacturer
0x02: Model PC model
Number of processors 0x07 0x00 Number of processors
WMI 0x08 0x00 Character string indicating the WMI version (if unavailable, N/A)
Clock speed of the external CPU 0x09 0x01 Clock speed of the external CPU in MHz
OS 0x10
  • W: Workstation
  • P: Personal computer
See OS below.
OS version 0x12
  • 1: Windows
  • 2: Windows NT
  • 3: Windows 95
  • 4: Windows 98
  • 5: Windows 2000
  • 7: Windows Me
  • 8: Windows XP
  • 9: Other
  • B: Windows Server 2003
  • C: Windows Vista
  • D: Windows Server 2008
  • E: Windows 7
  • F: Windows Server 2008 R2
  • G: Windows 8
  • H: Windows Server 2012
  • vv: Version
  • rr: Revision
OS build number/OS patch 0x13 0x00

In Windows:
OS build number

OS patch information
OS license (applicable to UNIX only) 0x14 0x00
  • S: 2 user licenses
  • E: 8 user licenses
  • B: 16 user licenses
  • U: Unlimited user licenses
UNIX OS version 0x15 0x39 UNIX OS version
Owner 0x16 0x00 Owner name
Company name 0x17 0x00 Company name
OS sub-version 0x18 0x00 OS type + OS, as a character string
Example of adding a service pack to the version: Windows NT4.0 (Service Pack 1)
Computer name 0x19 0x00 Computer name
OS information 0x1A 0x00: Name of OS family OS type in characters::
  • Microsoft Windows (for Windows 95, 98, or Windows Me)
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server
  • Microsoft Windows NT Enterprise Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
  • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional
  • Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition
  • Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
  • Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
  • Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Web Edition
  • Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition
  • Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition
  • Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003 Datacenter x64 Edition
  • MicrosoftR Windows Vista? Business#
  • MicrosoftR Windows Vista? Enterprise#
  • MicrosoftR Windows Vista? Ultimate#
  • MicrosoftR Windows Vista? Business x64 Edition#
  • MicrosoftR Windows Vista? Enterprise x64 Edition#
  • MicrosoftR Windows Vista? Ultimate x64 Edition#
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Standard
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Enterprise
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Datacenter
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Standard x64 Edition
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Enterprise x64 Edition
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Datacenter x64 Edition
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Standard without Hyper-V
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Standard without Hyper-V x64 Edition
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V x64 Edition
  • MicrosoftR Windows ServerR 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows 8
  • Microsoft Windows 8 x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows 8 Pro
  • Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x64 Edition
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
0x01: Domain type Domain type in code:
  • 0: Stand-alone workstation
  • 1: Member workstation
  • 2: Stand-alone server
  • 3: Member server
  • 4: Backup domain controller
  • 5: Primary domain controller
0x02: Detailed OS type When the OS is not any of those listed below, the OS type code value that is set by entry type 0x10 is set as 5-byte character string expressed in decimal format.
  • 00258: Windows NT Workstation
  • 00514: Windows NT Server
  • 01538: Windows NT Enterprise Server
  • 00777: Windows 2000 Professional
  • 00521: Windows 2000 Server
  • 01033: Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • 01289: Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
  • 00780: Windows XP Professional
  • 01804: Windows XP Home Edition
  • 02062: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
  • 02318: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
  • 02574: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
  • 02830: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
  • 03086: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition
  • 03342: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition
  • 03598: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter x64 Edition
  • 04111: Windows Vista Business
  • 04367: Windows Vista Enterprise
  • 04623: Windows Vista Ultimate
  • 07183: Windows Vista Business x64 Edition
  • 03343: Windows Vista Enterprise x64 Edition
  • 07439: Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Edition
  • 04880: Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Standard
  • 04368: Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise
  • 05392: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
  • 03088: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard x64 Edition
  • 03344: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x64 Edition
  • 03600: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter x64 Edition
  • 05648: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-V
  • 05904: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V
  • 06160: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V
  • 06416: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-V x64 Edition
  • 06672: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V x64 Edition
  • 06928: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V x64 Edition
  • 04882: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
  • 04370: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
  • 05394: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
  • 00785: Windows 7 Professional
  • 04369: Windows 7 Enterprise
  • 04625: Windows 7 Ultimate
  • 05137: Windows 7 Professional x64 Edition
  • 03345: Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Edition
  • 07441: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition
  • 07699: Windows 8
  • 04371: Windows 8 Enterprise
  • 07955: Windows 8 Pro
  • 08211: Windows 8 x64 Edition
  • 03347: Windows 8 Enterprise x64 Edition
  • 08467: Windows 8 Pro x64 Edition
  • 05396: Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
  • 04884: Windows Server 2012 Standard
0x03: Computer description Description of the computer expressed as a character string
0x04: Domain/Workgroup Domain/work group expressed as a character string
0x05: Logon user name Logon user name expressed as a character string
0x06: Full name of user Full name of user expressed as a character string
0x07: User description Description of user expressed as a character string
0x08: Current time zone Time zone expressed as a numeric value
0x09: Machine UUID Machine UUID expressed as a character string
0x0A: Machine serial number Machine serial number expressed as a character string
0x0B: Boot device Startup device expressed as a character string
0x0D: OS installation date/time Installation date expressed as a character string
0x0E: Last startup date/time Last startup date/time expressed as a character string
0x10: Locale Locale expressed in UINT
0x11: OS language OS language expressed in UINT
0x12: Windows directory Windows directory expressed as a character string
0x13: System directory System directory expressed as a character string
0x14: OS serial number OS serial number expressed as a character string
0x15: Internet Explorer version Internet Explorer version expressed as a character string
0x16: Windows Installer Windows Installer version expressed as a character string (if it has not been installed, N/A is set)
0x17: MBSA Product version of the MBSA command line interface stored in client-installation-directory\CLIENT\MBSA (mbsacli.exe file) expressed as a character string
If no value is stored, the following character string is set:
  • If WUA has been installed:
    "N/A (The Windows Update Agent is available)"
  • If WUA has not been installed:
0x18: Windows Update Agent WUA version expressed as a character string (if WUA is not installed, "N/A" is set)
0x19: WSUS computer ID WSUS computer ID expressed as a character string
IE Patch 0x1B
  • 0x01: Overall information
  • 0x02 to 0xFF: Division information (separated by a semicolon)
IE patch information expressed as a character string.
(If there is no registry or the value is blank, character string N/A is set in 0x01 and 0x02.)
Client version 0x21
  • 8: JP1/Software Distribution SubManager
  • 9: JP1/Software Distribution Client
  • A: JP1/Software Distribution Workstation
  • B: JP1/Software Distribution Manager
  • C: JP1/Software Distribution SubManager for UNIX
  • D: JP1/Software Distribution Client for UNIX
  • vv: Version
  • rr: Revision
  • ss: Restriction code
Drives 0x2F Drives A-Z Drive type expressed as one of the following character strings:
  • Removable hard disk
  • Network disk
  • CD-ROM
Free space 0x31 Drives A-Z
For UNIX V5 or earlier:
  • 0x31: UNIX root partition number
  • 0x01 to 0x2F: Partition number other than for the UNIX root partition
For UNIX version V6 or later and UNIX partition identification number:
  • 0x01: UNIX root partition number
  • 0x02 to 0x2F: Partition number other than for the UNIX root partition
Decimal value in megabytes
Usable user memory size 0x32 0x00 Decimal value in megabytes
Usable system resource size 0x33 0x00 Decimal number in kilobytes
Name of UNIX special file 0x34 Corresponds to extended information 0x01 to 0x400x31 Name of special file
UNIX mount path name 0x35 Corresponds to extended information 0x01 to 0x400x31 Name of special file
Memory size 0x36 0x00: Available physical memory Available physical memory in megabytes
0x01: Available virtual memory Available virtual memory in megabytes
0x02: Total capacity of virtual memory Total capacity of virtual memory in megabytes
0x03: Size of page file Size of page file in megabytes
Memory slot capacity 0x37
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Memory slot capacity in megabytes
Bus type 0x40 0x00: Type of primary bus Primary bus expressed as a character string
0x01: Type of secondary bus Secondary bus expressed as a character string
BIOS 0x41 0x00:BIOS manufacturer BIOS manufacturer expressed as a character string
0x01: BIOS release date/time BIOS release date/time expressed as a character string
0x02: BIOS version BIOS version expressed as a character string
0x03: BIOS version (SMBIOS) BIOS version of SMBIOS expressed as a character string
0x04: AMT firmware version AMT firmware version expressed as a character string
Keyboard 0x42
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Keyboard expressed as a character string
Mouse 0x43
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Mouse expressed as a character string
Number of mouse buttons 0x44
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Number of mouse buttons expressed in UCHAR
Partition size 0x51 Drives A-Z Decimal value in megabytes
File system 0x52 Drives A-Z
For UNIX, partition number (0x01-0x2F)
File system expressed as a character string
Hard disk interface 0x53
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Hard disk interface expressed as a character string
Number of hard disk partitions 0x54
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Number of hard disk partitions expressed in UINT
Hard disk capacity 0x55
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Hard disk capacity in megabytes
Model of hard disk 0x56
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Model of hard disk expressed as a character string
CD-ROM drive 0x57
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Name of CD-ROM drive expressed as a character string
BitLocker-based encryption information 0x58 Drives A-Z BitLocker setting information
  • 0000000000: Invalid
  • 0000000001: Valid
  • 0000000002: Unknown
  • 0000000003: Valid (locked)
HIBUN FDE-based encryption information 0x5A Drives A-Z HIBUN FDE setting information
  • 0000000000: Invalid
  • 0000000001: Valid
Video driver 0x61 0x00 Video driver name
Video chip 0x62 0x00 Video chip name
VRAM 0x63 0x00 Decimal value in megabytes
Display 0x64 0x00 xx [Figure] yy cc colors:
  • xx: Width
  • yy: Length
  • cc: Number of colors
Monitor type 0x65
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Monitor type expressed as a character string
Sound card manufacturer 0x66
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Sound card manufacturer expressed as a character string
Product name of sound card 0x67
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Product name of sound card expressed as a character string
MAC address 0x81
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
MAC address expressed in hexadecimal characters
Network adapter 0x82
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Network adapter
Default router address 0x83
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Default router address expressed as a character string
Subnet mask 0x84
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Subnet mask expressed as a character string
IP address 0x85
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
IP address expressed as a character string.
If there are multiple IP addresses, all addresses are linked together using a single space as the delimiter.
Primary DNS server address 0x86
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Primary DNS server address expressed as a character string
Secondary DNS server address 0x87
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Secondary DNS server address expressed as a character string
DHCP 0x88
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Whether DHCP is enabled or disabled:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
DHCP server address 0x89
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
DHCP server address expressed as a character string
Expiration date/time of DHCP lease 0x8A
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Expiration date/time of DHCP lease expressed as a character string
Acquired date/time of DHCP lease 0x8B
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Acquired date/time of DHCP lease expressed as a character string
WINS server address 0x8C
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
WINS server address expressed as a character string. If there are multiple WINS server addresses, all addresses are linked together using a single space as the delimiter.
Printer name 0x90
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Printer name expressed as a character string
Shared name of printer 0x91
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Shared name of printer expressed as a character string
Printer server name 0x92
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Printer server name expressed as a character string
Printer sheet size 0x93
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Printer sheet size expressed as a character string
Printer driver 0x94
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Printer driver expressed as a character string
Printer port 0x95
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Printer port expressed as a character string
Printer type 0x96
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01 on: Multiple
Printer type expressed as a character string
Security-related 0xA0 0x01: Guest account Guest account enabling status:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
  • 2: No guest account
0x02: Weak password Account in which a weak password is set, as a character string.
If no weak password exists, the following character string is set:
  • @None
0x03: Time-unlimited password Account in which a time-unlimited password is set, as a character string.
If no time-unlimited password exists, the following character string is set:
  • @None
0x04: Automatic logon setting Automatic logon setting:
  • 0: Set
  • 1: Not set
0x05: Shared folders Shared folder availability:
  • 0: No shared folder
  • 1: A shared folder is available
0x06: Restriction on anonymous connections Restriction on anonymous connections:
  • 0: No restriction
  • 1: Restricted
0x07: Screensaver Screensaver setting:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
0x08: Password protection for screensaver Screensaver password protection function setting:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
0x09: Power-on password Power-on password setting:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1: Set
  • 2: Not installed
  • 3: Unknown
0x0A: Windows Firewall settings Windows Firewall settings:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled (permits exceptions)
  • 2: Enabled (does not permit exceptions)
0x0B: Windows automatic updates Windows automatic updates setting:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
0x0C: Unnecessary services Whether unnecessary services are running:
  • 0: Not running
  • 1: Running
0xA1 Local account names
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01: Multiple
Local account names
0xA2 Days since the Windows password was last updated
  • 0x00: Single
  • From 0x01: Multiple
Days since the Windows password was last updated
Distribution 0xA3 0x00 Linux distribution name
Security-related 0xA5 0x01: Turn off monitor (AC) Time to turn off monitor (AC) (seconds) as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1-2147483647: Time to turn off power (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown
0x02: Turn off monitor (DC) Time to turn off monitor (DC) (seconds) as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1-2147483647: Time to turn off power (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown
0x03: Processor Throttle (AC) Processor power management status (processor throttle (AC)) as a character string:
  • N/A: Unknown
  • NONE: Always runs at the maximum performance level
  • CONSTANT: Always runs at the minimum performance level
  • DEGRADE: Uses the lock throttle stop function
  • ADAPTIVE: Selected based on the CPU state
0x04: Processor Throttle (DC) Processor power management status (processor throttle (DC)) as a character string:
  • N/A: Unknown
  • NONE: Always runs at the maximum performance level
  • CONSTANT: Always runs at the minimum performance level
  • DEGRADE: Uses the lock throttle stop function
  • ADAPTIVE: Selected based on the CPU state
0x05: Turn off hard disks (AC) Time to turn off hard disks (AC) (seconds) set as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1 to 2147483647: Time to turn off power (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown
0x06: Turn off hard disks (DC) Time to turn off hard disks (DC) (seconds) set as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1 to 2147483647: Time to turn off power (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown
0x07: System standby/Sleep (AC) Time until the computer enters system standby or sleep mode (AC) (seconds) set as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1 to 2147483647: Elapsed time (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown
0x08: System standby/Sleep (DC) Time until the computer enters system standby or sleep mode (DC) (seconds) set as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1 to 2147483647: Elapsed time (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown
0x09: System hibernates (AC) Time until the computer enters hibernation mode (AC) (seconds) set as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1 to 2147483647: Elapsed time (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown
0x0A: System hibernates (DC) Time until the computer enters hibernation mode (DC) (seconds) set as a character string:
  • 0: Not set
  • 1 to 2147483647: Elapsed time (seconds)
  • N/A: Unknown

Characters that cannot be displayed in the language environment being used by the OS are replaced with a question mark (?).