Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.4 netmdm_addictionary

This table manages the correspondence between the property attribute names and display names of the domains, computers, users, organizational units (OUs), and groups managed by Active Directory.

dm_propertyname in the netmdm_adproperty table is assigned to dm_propertyname in this table.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_propertyname VARCHAR2 2,000 varchar 2,000 MVARCHAR 2,000 Property attribute name --
dm_displayname VARCHAR2 2,000 varchar 2,000 MVARCHAR 2,000 Property display name --
dm_adtype NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Property information type:
  • 0x00000000: Domain name
  • 0x00000001: Computer name
  • 0x00000002: User name
  • 0x00000003: OU name
  • 0x00000004: Group name
dm_displayno NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Property display order
Map table description order

--: Not applicable