Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.3 netmdm_activedirectory

This table stores information about domains, computers, users, organizational units (OUs), and groups.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_adname VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Domain name, user name, computer name, OU name, and group name 2
dm_adtype NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Type of information acquired from Active Directory:
  • 0x00000000: Domain name
  • 0x00000001: Computer name
  • 0x00000002: User name
  • 0x00000003: OU name
  • 0x00000004: Group name
dm_adguid VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 ID that is set for this object in Active Directory. 1
dm_upperadguid VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 ID of the object to which this object belongs.
The highest domain is NULL.
dm_manageradguid VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 ID of the manager if this object is a computer and a manager is set for it. --
dm_usrlinkadguid VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 User ID to be assigned to a user if this object is a computer. --
dm_nodename VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Working key when it can be assigned to netmdm_system.
NULL if no assignment can be made.
dm_hierarchicalinf VARCHAR2 2,000 varchar 2,000 MVARCHAR 2,000 Hierarchical information of this object. --
dm_keyvalue VARCHAR2 2,000 varchar 2,000 MVARCHAR 2,000 Value of this object's assignment key. --
dm_host VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Acquisition-source host information.
Host name or IP address.
dm_gettype NUMBER 1 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Flag that indicates whether an object is acquired with OU specification.
0: Acquired with OU specification
1: Not acquired with OU specification.

--: Not applicable