Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.1.3 Using host IDs for network management

As an alternative to the node identification key, you can use host IDs to manage a network. You manage a network using host IDs by specifying appropriate settings during setup of the central manager. All relay systems and clients under the central manager can then be managed by using the host IDs.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Advantages of using host IDs
(2) Registering host IDs
(3) Timing for automatic registration of host IDs
(4) Notes on using host IDs

(1) Advantages of using host IDs

Use of host IDs offers the following advantages:

(2) Registering host IDs

A host ID is generated for a client when the client is installed, and is stored in a host ID management file. If a client already has a host ID management file when the client is re-installed, a new host ID is not generated.

A generated host ID is registered in the higher systems. To enable registration, in the Software Distribution Manager Setup dialog box, choose the ID Key for Operations page, and then select Yes for Use host IDs.

The host ID is registered automatically in higher systems as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6-1 Automatic registration of host IDs


(3) Timing for automatic registration of host IDs

The following table shows the times at which host IDs are registered automatically in the next-higher system, depending on the settings for automatic registration of system configuration information.

Table 6-1 Times at which host IDs are registered automatically in the next-higher system

Is system configuration information registered automatically? Automatic registration times
  • When the client is installed.
  • Whenever the connection server is changed during setup
  • Whenever the host name, IP address, or host ID is changed
  • Whenever the setup contents are registered
  • Whenever a connection is made to a higher system (if the host ID has not been registered in that higher system)
No When connection is established with a higher system (if the host ID has not been registered in that higher system, or after the host ID has been changed)

(4) Notes on using host IDs

In a system in which multiple managing servers are configured in a hierarchy, if you wish to upgrade a JP1/Software Distribution Manager that does not support host IDs and then use host IDs, after you upgrade the higher JP1/Software Distribution Manager you must then upgrade the lower JP1/Software Distribution Managers.