Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.1.2 Determining the ID key used to identify hosts

In networks that use JP1/Software Distribution, you must determine the key used to identify hosts. There are two types of keys:

To determine the ID key used to identify JP1/Software Distribution hosts, evaluate the following items:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Evaluating whether to use host IDs
(2) Selecting the node identification key

(1) Evaluating whether to use host IDs

We recommend using host IDs for network management in the following types of systems:

(2) Selecting the node identification key

The type of identifiers used for managing nodes (hosts) in a network that uses JP1/Software Distribution is called the node identification key. Either host names or IP addresses can be used as the node identification key.

Because host names and IP addresses cannot both be used, you must select which you will use before starting operations. Note that in a system in which managing servers are configured in a hierarchy, it is not necessary to use the same identification key throughout the entire system. However, you must standardize the node identification key within each system managed by a relay manager.

(a) Using host names to manage JP1/Software Distribution nodes

You must use host names for management of nodes in the following systems:

Name hosts according to the rules described in 8.1.2 Assigning host names in a JP1/Software Distribution system in the Setup Guide.

(b) Using IP addresses to manage JP1/Software Distribution nodes

If it is difficult to use host names to manage nodes within the network, you can use IP addresses instead. When IP addresses are used, relay systems and clients do not require definitions for name resolution, such as by using the hosts file, but relay managers do.