Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide
Tables 5-10 and 5-11 show the disk space required for JP1/Software Distribution Manager.
Table 5-10 Disk space required for JP1/Software Distribution Manager (central manager)
Facility | Disk space requirements | |
JP1/Software Distribution server | For Embedded RDB | 120 MB + space allocated during database operations The amount of space allocated automatically during database operations depends on the scale selected when the database was created: Small scale: 300 MB Medium scale: 500 MB Large scale: 1,100 MB |
For Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle | 12 MB | |
Remote Installation Manager | For Embedded RDB | 24 MB |
For Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle | 22 MB | |
Asset Information Manager Subset | For Embedded RDB | 140 MB + space allocated during database operations The amount of space allocated automatically during database operations depends on the size of the database: 100 MB or less: 300 MB 101 to 500 MB: 1 GB 501 MB or more: 1 GB |
For Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle | 45MB | |
AMT Linkage | 1 MB | |
WSUS Linkage | 1 MB | |
OpenView Linkage | 9 MB | |
OpenView Gateway Server | 4 MB | |
Common area of JP1/Software Distribution Manager | 36 MB | |
Packaging by the Packager | 1 KB + package size | |
Package storage | Number of packages |
Storing operation history | See (3) Disk space required for storing operation log files. | |
Backing up operation history | Number of clients x |
Remote installation | 1.0 x number of packages x number of clients + number of packages x 0.3 (KB) |
Table 5-11 Disk space required for JP1/Software Distribution Manager (relay manager)
Facility | Disk space requirements | |
JP1/Software Distribution server | For Embedded RDB | 142 MB |
For Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle | 34 MB | |
Remote Installation Manager | For Embedded RDB | 24 MB |
For Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle | 22MB | |
AMT Linkage | 1 MB | |
WSUS Linkage | 1 MB | |
OpenView Linkage | 9 MB | |
OpenView Gateway Server | 4 MB | |
Common area of JP1/Software Distribution Manager | 43 MB | |
Packaging by the Packager | 1 KB + package size | |
Package storage | Number of packages |
Storing operation history | See (3) Disk space required for storing operation log files. | |
Backing up operation history | Number of clients x |
Remote installation | 1.0 x number of packages x number of clients + number of packages x 0.3 (KB) | |
Storage of packages distributed from the central manager | Number of packages |
Storage of management information about the package distributed from the central manager | Number of clients |
Package installation | See (4) Disk space required for package installation below. |
Tables 5-12 and 5-13 show the disk space required for JP1/Software Distribution Client.
Table 5-12 Disk space required for JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
Facility | Disk space requirements |
Relay system | 30 MB |
Remote Installation Manager | 4 MB |
Common area of JP1/Software Distribution SubManager | 39 MB |
AMT Linkage | 1 MB |
Storage of packages at relay system | Number of packages |
Storage of relay system management information | Number of clients |
Package distribution | 1.0 x number of packages x number of clients + number of packages x 0.3 (KB) |
Package installation | See (4) Disk space required for package installation below. |
Table 5-13 Disk space required for JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
Facility | Disk space requirements | |
Client | Client core | 24 MB |
Package Setup Manager | 2 MB | |
Additional facility | 5 MB | |
Distribution facility by Visual Test 6.0 | 2 MB | |
Distribution facility by Visual Test 6.5 | 2 MB | |
AMT Linkage | 1 MB | |
Storage of client management information | Number of packages within client x 1.0 (KB) | |
Packaging information display | Number of packages to be packaged x 1.0 (KB) | |
Package installation | See (4) Disk space required for package installation below. | |
Startup Kit Support Tool | 4 MB | |
Help | 4 MB | |
Common area for JP1/Software Distribution Client | 11 MB |
This subsection explains the formula for calculating the disk space required for storing operation log files. Calculate the required capacity according to the operation log data you plan to collect.
The required disk space depends on the type of package to be installed. The value to be used in the calculation formula should be rounded up for each cluster size.
The following table shows the disk space required for the Packager.
Table 5-14 Disk space required for the Packager
Facility | Disk space requirements (in megabytes) |
Packager | 7 |
The required disk space depends on the type of package. The value to be used in the calculation formula should be rounded up for each cluster size.
The following table shows the disk space required for the Automatic Installation Tool.
Table 5-15 Disk space required for the Automatic Installation Tool
Facility | Disk space requirements (in megabytes) |
Automatic Installation Tool | 6 |
For JP1/Software Distribution Manager (central manager), there are no files that depend on the user environment. For details about the database files for JP1/Software Distribution Manager, see 5.4 Estimating disk space requirements for the database.
The following files depend on the user environment of JP1/Software Distribution Manager (relay manager) and JP1/Software Distribution Client.
For details about the user environment-dependent files for JP1/Remote Control, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide.
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