Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


5.3.2 Memory requirements

Organization of this subsection
(1) Memory required for a managing server
(2) Memory required for a relay system
(3) Memory required for a client
(4) Memory required for Asset Information Manager Subset
(5) Memory required for the Packager
(6) Memory required for the Automatic Installation Tool
(7) Memory required for the OpenView Linkage

(1) Memory required for a managing server

The following table shows the memory requirements of JP1/Software Distribution Manager as a managing server.

Table 5-3 Memory requirements of JP1/Software Distribution Manager

Facility Memory requirements (in megabytes)
JP1/Software Distribution server 34 + 0.020 x a
a: Number of concurrently connected servers#2
JP1/Software Distribution server
(relay manager)#1
71 + 0.020 x (a + 25)
a: Number of concurrently connected servers#2
Remote Installation Manager 20 + 0.002 x b
b: Number of displayed data items#3
Inventory Viewer 7.5 + 0.007 x c
c: Number of computers displaying inventory
Relational database
(when Embedded RDB is used)
300 + (a x 2) x 10
a: Number of concurrently connected computers#2

When you monitor operations in a virtual environment, the minimum memory requirement varies. It also varies depending on the number of users connected.
30 or fewer users: 4 gigabytes
60 or fewer users: 8 gigabytes

Number of concurrently connected computers is the value specified for the number of lower systems that can be concurrently connected on the Server Customization page in the Server Setup dialog box.

Number of displayed data items is the total number of items displayed in the following windows of Remote Installation Manager:
  • System Configuration window:
    Relay managers, relay systems, clients, system information items, and inventory items such as software inventory
  • Destination window:
    ID groups, destination groups, clients, system information items and inventory items such as software inventory
  • Job Definition:
    Job definitions
  • Package window:
    Cabinets and packages
  • Job Status window:
    Jobs and job destinations
  • List of Software Information window:
    Search lists
  • Directory Information window:
    Organizational units (OUs), groups, computers, system information items, and inventory items such as software inventory items
If you display the same window more than once, count all the items displayed in all instances of that window.

(2) Memory required for a relay system

The following table shows the memory requirements of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

Table 5-4 Memory requirements of a relay system

Facility Memory requirements (in megabytes)
Relay system#1 28 + 0.018 x (a + 8) + (b x 0.001)
a: Number of concurrently connected computers#2
b: Size of the management file cache#3

When you monitor operations in a virtual environment, the minimum memory requirement varies. It also varies depending on the number of users connected.
30 or fewer users: 4 gigabytes
60 or fewer users: 8 gigabytes

Number of concurrently connected computers is the value specified for the number of clients that can be concurrently connected on the Relay System Customization page in the relay system basic settings.

Use the following formula to calculate the size of the management file cache:
Size of the management file cache (kilobytes) =
number of jobs retained on the relay system that were executed on the relay system or by the higher system
x number of lower clients per job
x number of packages per job (for remote installation jobs)
x 1 kilobyte

(3) Memory required for a client

The following table shows the memory requirements of the client facility.

Table 5-5 Memory requirements of a client

Facility Memory requirements (in megabytes)
Client# When resident 18
Remote installation of package 24
Installation by client user 28
Startup Kit Support Tool 4

When you monitor operations in a virtual environment, the minimum memory requirement varies. It also varies depending on the number of users connected.
30 or fewer users: 4 gigabytes
60 or fewer users: 8 gigabytes

(4) Memory required for Asset Information Manager Subset

The following table shows the memory requirements of Asset Information Manager Subset:

Table 5-6 Memory requirements of Asset Information Manager Subset

Facility Memory requirements
Asset Information Manager Subset

If there are fewer than 5,000 clients:
1.0 gigabyte or more

If there are 5,000 or more clients:
1.5 gigabytes or more

(5) Memory required for the Packager

The following table shows the memory requirements of the Packager.

Table 5-7 Memory requirements of the Packager

Facility Memory requirements (in megabytes)
Packager 9

(6) Memory required for the Automatic Installation Tool

The following table shows the memory requirements of the Automatic Installation Tool.

Table 5-8 Memory requirements of the Automatic Installation Tool

Facility Memory requirements (in megabytes)
Automatic Installation Tool 4

(7) Memory required for the OpenView Linkage

The following table shows the memory required for the OpenView Linkage.

Table 5-9 Memory required for the OpenView Linkage

Facility Memory requirements (in megabytes)
OpenView Linkage 7
OpenView gateway server 1