Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


4.2 Installing a JP1/Software Distribution system

To install JP1/Software Distribution for the first time in the system, you must examine various aspects, such as the configuration of the JP1/Software Distribution system and the network environment to be employed. This section explains the steps required to build a basic JP1/Software Distribution system.

To install a JP1/Software Distribution system:

  1. Evaluate the JP1/Software Distribution system to be installed.
  2. Construct a database server.
  3. Install JP1/Software Distribution Manager on the management server.
  4. Install JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) on the relay servers.
  5. Install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) on the clients.
Organization of this section
(1) Evaluating the JP1/Software Distribution system to be installed
(2) Constructing a database server
(3) Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager on the management server
(4) Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) on the relay servers
(5) Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client on the clients.
(6) Notes

(1) Evaluating the JP1/Software Distribution system to be installed

You must first evaluate the system configuration and network environment for the JP1/Software Distribution system to be installed.

(2) Constructing a database server

To use Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle as the relational database for the managing server, you must construct a database server before installing JP1/Software Distribution. If you use Embedded RDB, there is no need to construct a database server.

(3) Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager on the management server

Install the managing server (JP1/Software Distribution Manager) on the server that controls the JP1/Software Distribution system.

(4) Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) on the relay servers

Install a relay system (JP1/Software Distribution Client) on the applicable servers, such as each department's management server.

You can also construct a JP1/Software Distribution system using JP1/Software Distribution Manager as the relay manager.

(5) Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client on the clients.

Install JP1/Software Distribution Client on the clients that are to be managed by the JP1/Software Distribution system.

Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client individually on each client from storage media requires a lot of time and labor. JP1/Software Distribution lets you create a JP1/Software Distribution Client installation set to automate the installation job. To create an installation set, you must have JP1/Software Distribution Administrator Kit.

(6) Notes