Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.13 Client facilities

A system equipped with facilities (that is, functionality) for receiving jobs executed at a managing server and for sending inventory information to the managing server is called a client. Clients include not only the PCs positioned at the bottom in the system configuration but also the relay managers and relay systems that relay jobs.

The following table lists the systems equipped with client facilities.

Table 2-37 Systems equipped with client facilities

System Program
Relay manager# JP1/Software Distribution Manager
Relay system JP1/Software Distribution Client

#: The server component is installed. For details about the server component, see 1.1.2 Organization of components in the Setup Guide.

This section describes the client facilities for the following tasks:

Organization of this section
2.13.1 Installing distributed software
2.13.2 Reporting inventory information by job execution
2.13.3 Displaying messages sent from the administrator
2.13.4 Reporting inventory information from clients
2.13.5 Displaying client information
2.13.6 Reporting hardware failures
2.13.7 Notes on using a client