Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.13.3 Displaying messages sent from the administrator

When a Report message job from the managing server is executed, the client system displays messages specified by the Administrator.

This section explains how to check the displayed messages and provides notes on displaying messages.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Checking the displayed messages
(2) Notes on displaying messages

(1) Checking the displayed messages

Messages from the administrator are displayed in a message dialog box. Up to 10 message dialog boxes can be simultaneously displayed according to the order in which the client receives the messages.

The administrator can send messages in either text format or HTML format. Figure 2-61 shows how a text message is displayed, and Figure 2-62 shows how an HTML message is displayed.

Figure 2-61 Text message


Figure 2-62 HTML message


The title bar of the message dialog box displays an icon and a message title. The meaning of each icon is explained as follows.

If a URL is provided inside the message text, clicking the linked area starts the default browser, enabling you to browse the linked Web page. If an email address is provided, clicking it starts the default email program, enabling you to create email addressed to that address.

From the menu displayed by right-clicking the message text display area, you can copy a selected character string or select all character strings in the message text.

After you have checked the message, choose OK to close the message dialog box.

Note that clients running version 08-00 or earlier cannot display HTML messages. If you send an HTML message to such a client, the HTML tags will appear as text-format character strings.

For a client to display HTML messages, it also must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed.

(2) Notes on displaying messages

The following notes apply to displaying messages: