Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.8.2 Functionality of Remote Control Manager

This subsection describes the functionality of Remote Control Manager.

For details about each function, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Performing operations in client windows
(2) Transferring files
(3) Recording and playing back a client's window information
(4) Chatting
(5) Making connection requests from a client

(1) Performing operations in client windows

You can connect to a client, display the client's windows, and perform operations in the windows. In addition to being able to perform keyboard and mouse operations, you can also transfer clipboard data.

(2) Transferring files

In Remote Control Manager's File Transfer window, you can use drag-and-drop operations to transfer files between the central manager and client or between clients. You can also compress data to transfer files efficiently.

(3) Recording and playing back a client's window information

You can record the information displayed in a client window and save it to a file. To play back the file, you can use Remote Control Player provided by the Remote Control Manager. You can also convert a saved file to AVI format so that it can be played back in an environment where the controller is not available.

(4) Chatting

You can use the chat facility to communicate with a client that is under remote control. The chat facility can also be used between central managers and between clients.

(5) Making connection requests from a client

A client can issue a connection request (that is, connect) to the central manager. Because the central manager that receives a connection request can check and connect to the requesting client, you can respond to client problems quickly.