Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.8.1 How to start Remote Control Manager

To control remote clients, you must start Remote Control Manager.

Figure 2-40 Remote Control window


To start Remote Control Manager, from the Start menu, choose Remote Control Manager, or use the following methods:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Starting Remote Control Manager from Remote Installation Manager
(2) Starting Remote Control Manager from an inventory information counting result

(1) Starting Remote Control Manager from Remote Installation Manager

From Remote Installation Manager's System Configuration window, Destination window or Directory Information window, select a client, choose Options, and then choose Start Remote Control Manager to start Remote Control Manager.

Once Remote Control Manager starts, it connects automatically to the selected client.

(2) Starting Remote Control Manager from an inventory information counting result

From Inventory Viewer's counting result, select a client, choose Tools, and then choose Start Remote Control Manager to start Remote Control Manager.

You can select multiple clients, then select the client to be connected, and then start Remote Control Manager.

For details about how to start Remote Control Manager from Inventory Viewer, see 4.6 Using the remote control facility in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.