Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.6 Managing software operation information

Three windows are provided for managing the software operation information acquired from clients. The windows are listed below, with a brief description of the functionality available in each:

Operation Log List window
This window enables you to search suppression and operation log data, as well as to trace the operation history of specific files.

Operation Log Total window
This window enables you to check suppression and operation log totals for each search pattern that is specified in the Operation Log List window. Note that you must have first used the appropriate command to acquire totals.

Software Operation Status window
This window enables you to check, for each software program, the software usage time and the number of copies that are being used in relation to a client's operation time.

To manage operation information in these windows, the operation information must be stored in a dedicated database. Storage of operation information in this database can either be configured at setup to be performed automatically or it can performed when needed by executing a command.

The following figure shows the framework for managing operation information, using the Operation Log List window as an example.

Figure 2-29 Framework for managing operation information (Operation Log List window)


The following subsections provide an overview of managing operation information using the Operation Log List window, Operation Log Total window, and the Software Operation Status window.

Organization of this section
2.6.1 Preparations for managing operation logs
2.6.2 Viewing and tracing operation log data
2.6.3 Totaling operation log data
2.6.4 Viewing software operation status
2.6.5 Examples of managing operation information