Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.5.12 Monitoring the operation status of stand-alone PCs

You can acquire operation information from clients that are not connected on the network (offline machines), in addition to the operation information you collect from networked clients. To acquire operation information from offline machines, you can use media such as floppy disks, CD-R discs, MO (magneto-optical) discs, or you can even email the information.

To acquire operation information from offline machines, the JP1/Software Distribution system must satisfy the following conditions:

Managing server
  • JP1/Software Distribution Manager 09-00 or later (relational database edition) for Windows must be installed.
  • Remote Installation Manager must be used on the same PC on which the above JP1/Software Distribution Manager is installed.

Offline machine
JP1/Software Distribution Client 09-00 or later for Windows must be installed.

The following figure shows the general procedure for acquiring operation information from an offline machine.

Figure 2-28 Acquiring operation information from an offline machine


  1. Create the media for applying the operation monitoring policy.
    In this step, you create the media for applying the operation monitoring policy. The operation monitoring policy is then applied to the offline machine from the media that you created.
  2. Create media for acquiring operation information.
    In this step, you create the media for acquiring the operation information.
  3. Acquire the operation information from the offline machine.
    In this step, you copy the operation information from the offline machine onto the media.
  4. Enter the operation information onto the managing server.
    In this step, you enter the offline machine's operation information from the media to the managing server.

In addition to operation information, you can also acquire inventory information from offline machines. You use the same method to acquire each type of information.

For details about how to acquire inventory information and operation information from offline machines, see 7.7.2 Collecting inventory and operation information from offline machines in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.