Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.1.4 Job types for executing remote installation

After creating a package to be distributed, you must create and execute a job that provides instructions for remote installation by the managing server. There are three types of jobs related to remote installation, which are referred to as job types.

This subsection describes the job types for executing remote installation.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Install package job
(2) Transfer package to relay system job
(3) Send package, allow client to choose job

(1) Install package job

This is the basic job type. Jobs of this job type distribute a package from the managing server (or relay system) to clients, and then install the software. The managing server initiates package distribution and installation.

(2) Transfer package to relay system job

Jobs of this job type transfer a package from the managing server to relay systems only. The distribution and installation from the relay systems can be handled by the relay system administrators or initiated from the managing server. An Install package job is used to distribute the package to the clients.

When a Transfer package to relay system job and an Install package job are combined for remote installation from the managing server, the execution dates/times for these jobs become the package distribution times from the managing server to the relay systems and from the relay systems to the clients, respectively.

A package transferred by a Transfer package to relay system job is saved at the relay systems. Therefore, the managing server will not redistribute a package that has been saved at relay systems until its expiration date. When you package software, you can specify how long the package is to be saved. If you wish to change how long a package that has already been transferred to relay systems is to be saved, you must transfer the changed package to the relay systems again.

Note that a Transfer package to relay system job cannot be specified from a relay system.

(3) Send package, allow client to choose job

Jobs of this job type grant, to the clients, permission to decide whether to install the software. Each client determines which provided software will be installed and when.

Use normal remote installation only if the software must be installed at all clients. In other cases, software might be installed unnecessarily. Often, a Send package, allow client to choose job is the most efficient job to use.

For details about checking the software distributed by a job of this job type and installing it at the client, see 2.1.5 Executing installation according to a client user's schedule.