Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.1.3 Installation conditions that can be set during packaging

To install software by remote installation, you must specify details of the intended installation during packaging. Such information might include the installation date and time, programs required for installation, and a recorder file to be used for installation. This is called the installation conditions.

You specify the installation conditions in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box during packaging. During remote installation (at job creation), you can modify these conditions in the Change Installation Conditions dialog box.

This subsection describes the supported installation conditions on each page of the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box. For details about the settings, see 2.2 Specifying the packaging details in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.

Organization of this subsection
(1) System Conditions
(2) Software Conditions
(3) File Properties
(4) Schedule
(5) Installation Method
(6) Options
(7) Create Icon
(8) External Program
(9) Setup Information
(10) AIT File Settings
(11) Recorder File
(12) Select Components

(1) System Conditions

You can specify hardware requirements, such as the minimum hard disk space required for installation and the amount of memory to be available after installation. Specify any necessary information, such as the condition that there must be 10-20 MB of free space available after installation. Specifying memory requirements can prevent certain operation errors that can occur after installation.

(2) Software Conditions

If the software to be installed requires a specific version of another software program, you can specify software version information for purposes of checking that the correct programs are already installed. You can also specify a condition that remote installation is to be executed only if certain software is not installed on the client.

(3) File Properties

You can specify the access permission and owner of a file after remote installation.

(4) Schedule

You can specify the date/time for installation, and the timings of the installation. There are two installation timings:

(5) Installation Method

If the client's OS is Windows, you can specify an installation mode (installation method suitable for the software installer). There are two installation modes:

(6) Options

You can specify the following options for remote installation:

(7) Create Icon

If the package type is User programs and data, you can set an icon or shortcut for the user programs.

(8) External Program

You can start execution of external programs at the client immediately before and after installation and in the event of an installation error. This feature enables you to:

(9) Setup Information

If the package type is Other companies' software, you can specify desired setup information, such as the setup method, company name, and owner name.

(10) AIT File Settings

If you use an AIT file during remote installation, you can monitor the responses from the installation process.

(11) Recorder File

If you use a recorder file during remote installation, you must set the directory that contains the recorder file.

(12) Select Components

When packaging JP1/Software Distribution Client, you can select the components that are not to be packaged.