Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


1.3.5 System components required for managing software operation statuses

The basic system configuration required for software operation status management consists of a managing server, relay manager/system, and clients.

Asset Information Manager Subset has been added to this basic system configuration, which extends the software operation status management functionality.

Asset Information Manager Subset
This is a JP1/Software Distribution Manager component that provides the GUI for summing up and viewing inventory information.
By installing this component, from Remote Installation Manager you can start the window for displaying software operation information. From this window, you can perform operations such as specifying search conditions and searching for operation information, and displaying the operation information summation results.
If you install Asset Information Manager Subset, you must also install Remote Installation Manager on the same PC.

The following figure shows the system components required for software operation status management:

Figure 1-25 System configuration required for software operation status management
