Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


1.3.4 System components required for managing inventory

The basic system configuration required for inventory management consists of a managing server, relay manager/system, and clients. To collect inventory data from a PC outside the network, you must add two more components:

Offline machine
An offline machine is a PC on which JP1/Software Distribution Client is installed but which is not registered in the JP1/Software Distribution system configuration. The following are examples:
  • Stand-alone machines on which JP1/Software Distribution Client has been installed
  • PCs that are in the network and on which JP1/Software Distribution Client is installed, but which are not registered as part of the JP1/Software Distribution system configuration
You can collect inventory data from such machines, even though they are not registered in the system configuration. You can also install software on the PCs that have not been registered in the system configuration information.

Offline folder
An offline folder is used to manage inventory data collected from offline machines. An offline folder is shown under the name {OFFLINE} in the system configuration information. Because is treated as a virtual relay system without an actual machine, you cannot rename it or change its hierarchical position.

The following figure shows a system configuration for managing inventory data.

Figure 1-24 System configuration for managing inventory


The system configuration shown in Figure 1-24 enables inventory data to be retrieved from clients and offline machines. The collected inventory data is managed by the managing server. Inventory data collected from offline machines is stored in the offline folder.