JP1/Integrated Management - Manager コマンド・定義ファイルリファレンス




JP1/IM - Viewで障害が発生したときに資料を採取するためのツールです。JP1/IM - Viewの保守資料,OSのシステム情報,統合トレースログなどを採取します。




また,JP1/IM - Viewのスレッドダンプがある状態でjcoview_log.batを実行すると,メッセージKAVB8946-Iを表示してスレッドダンプを削除するかどうかユーザーに問い合わせます。「y」を入力した場合,スレッドダンプを削除します。


なお,このツールを使って採取できる資料の詳細については,マニュアル「JP1/Integrated Management - Manager 運用ガイド」の「10.3 トラブル発生時に採取が必要な資料」を参照してください。


表1-28 一次資料の内部フォルダ構成

フォルダ名 格納された資料
資料格納フォルダ\jp1_default\imm_1st\coview JP1/IM - Viewのパッチ情報
資料格納フォルダ\jp1_default\imm_1st\coview\conf JP1/IM - Viewの設定および定義ファイル
資料格納フォルダ\jp1_default\imm_1st\coview\default JP1/IM - Viewの共通定義情報
資料格納フォルダ\jp1_default\imm_1st\coview\log JP1/IM - Viewのログファイル
資料格納フォルダ\jp1_default\imm_1st\oslog OSのログ情報
資料格納フォルダ\jp1_default\imm_1st\spool 統合トレースログ

JP1/IM - ManagerおよびJP1/Baseが同一マシン上にインストールされている場合,JP1/IM - ManagerおよびJP1/Baseの資料も採取されます。

表1-29 二次資料の内部フォルダ構成

フォルダ名 格納された資料
  • Windowsイベントログ
  • クラッシュダンプ

Windows 7,Windows Server 2008,およびWindows Vista版のJP1/IM - Viewでは,クラッシュダンプは採取しません。


jcoview_log.bat -f 資料格納フォルダ


Windows Server 2003,Windows XP Professionalの場合:なし

Windows 7,Windows Server 2008,およびWindows Vistaの場合:Administrators権限(WindowsのUAC機能が有効な場合は管理者コンソールから実行)




-f 資料格納フォルダ






クラッシュダンプを採取しない場合に指定します。Windows 7,Windows Server 2008,またはWindows Vista版のJP1/IM - Viewではこのオプションは使用できません。





0 正常終了
8 異常終了



jcoview_log.bat -f F:\tmp\bat


KAVB8925-I The directory does not exists. ("F:\tmp\bat")
           The directory will be created.
続行するには何かキーを押してください . . .
KAVB8925-I The directory does not exists. ("F:\tmp\bat\jp1_default\imm_1st")
           The directory will be created.
続行するには何かキーを押してください . . .
KAVB8925-I The directory does not exists. ("F:\tmp\bat\jp1_default\imm_2nd")
           The directory will be created.
続行するには何かキーを押してください . . .
KAVB8926-I Data acquisition processing will start.
KAVB8927-I Execution of the "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetConfInfo.exe" command will start.
KAVB8921-I The information for JP1/IM - View will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The information for JP1/IM - View has been acquired.
KAVB8928-I "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetConfInfo.exe" execution is ended. (ERRORLEVEL=0)
KAVB8929-I The system information will be acquired. Please wait.
KAVB8927-I Execution of the "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetMsInfo.exe" command will start.
KAVB8928-I "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetMsInfo.exe" execution is ended. (ERRORLEVEL=0)
KAVB8922-I The system information has been acquired.
KAVB8929-I "Watson log and crash dump" will be acquired. Please wait.
KAVB8927-I Execution of the "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetWtsnInfo.exe" command will start.
KAVB8928-I "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetWtsnInfo.exe" execution is ended. (ERRORLEVEL=0)
KAVB8922-I "Watson log and crash dump" has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I Windows Eventlog(Application) will be acquired.
KAVB8927-I Execution of the "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetEvLog.exe" command will start.
KAVB8928-I "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetEvLog.exe" execution is ended. (ERRORLEVEL=0)
KAVB8922-I Windows Eventlog(Application) has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I Windows Eventlog(System) will be acquired.
KAVB8927-I Execution of the "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetEvLog.exe" command will start.
KAVB8928-I "D:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1IMM\bin\jimGetEvLog.exe" execution is ended. (ERRORLEVEL=0)
KAVB8922-I Windows Eventlog(System) has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The setup.ini of JP1/IM - Manager will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The setup.ini of JP1/IM - Manager has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The setup.ilg of JP1/IM - Manager will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The setup.ilg of JP1/IM - Manager has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The setup.ini of JP1/Base will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The setup.ini of JP1/Base has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The setup.ilg of JP1/Base will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The setup.ilg of JP1/Base has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The setup.ini of JP1/IM - View will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The setup.ini of JP1/IM - View has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The setup.ilg of JP1/IM - View will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The setup.ilg of JP1/IM - View has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The integrated trace log will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The integrated trace log has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The integrated installer log will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The integrated installer log has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The installer log file will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The installer log has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The hosts will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The hosts has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The services will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The services has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The registry information will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The registry information has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The netstat information will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The netstat information has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The ipconfig information will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The ipconfig information has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The net start information will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The net start information has been acquired.
KAVB8921-I The set information will be acquired.
KAVB8922-I The set information has been acquired.
KAVB8918-I The data was successfully acquired.



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