
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

9.2 Headings used in the explanations of commands

This section explains the headings used in the explanations of the commands. Only the applicable heading items are provided for each command. For some commands, command-specific information is also provided in addition to these items.


Shows the command's format, using syntax symbols. For details about the syntax symbols, see 9.3 Syntax symbols in 9. Commands.

Users who can execute the command

Shows the types of users who are authorized to execute the command.


Provides a description of the command.


Describes the options and provides notes about specifying the options.

Return codes

Explains the command's return codes.


Provides notes about executing the command.


Provides examples of executing the command.

The results displayed after an example of a command's execution might include message IDs. For details about message IDs displayed with results, see the manual HA Monitor Cluster Software Messages.