
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

7.10.6 Changing the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running

HA Monitor provides a command for changing the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running (monchange command). You can use this command to change the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running.

The following table shows the settings and operations that can be changed and the corresponding operands.

Table 7‒9: Settings and operations that can be changed and corresponding operands

Setting and operation

Corresponding operand

Host failure monitoring time

patrol operand in the HA Monitor environment settings

Server failure monitoring time

patrol operand in the server environment definition

Program slowdown monitoring interval

patrol operand in the monitor-mode program environment definition

Temporarily stopping and restarting the monitoring while HA Monitor and servers are running

HA Monitor environment settings:

disk_ptrl operand

Server environment definition:

disk_ptrl operand

ptrlcmd_ex operand

sby_ptrlcmd_ex operand

This subsection explains how to change each setting.


The monchange command, which changes the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running, does not change the HA Monitor and server environment definition settings files. This is a difference from the mondevice command, which reconfigures shared resources while the active server is running. If you restart a host or server after changing its settings, the change reverts to the settings specified in the definition file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Changing the host failure monitoring time

You can change the host failure monitoring time specified in the patrol operand in the HA Monitor environment settings. The command for changing the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running (monchange command) can be executed from any host. This command executed on a host can change the host failure monitoring time of all hosts that are connected to that host.

Executing this command on one host will change the host failure monitoring time on all hosts that are connected to that host. If host-to-host communication is disabled during command execution due to a failure on the remote host or a monitoring path failure, the command's processing will be cancelled.

Note the following about changing the host failure monitoring time:

(2) Changing the server failure monitoring time

You can change the server failure monitoring time specified in the patrol operand in the server environment definition.

When the command for changing the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running (monchange command) is executed, HA Monitor immediately restarts server monitoring with the new server failure monitoring time.

Note the following about changing the server failure monitoring time:

(3) Changing the program slowdown monitoring interval (when using the program management function)

You can change the program slowdown monitoring interval specified in the patrol operand in the monitor-mode program environment definition.

When the command for changing the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running (monchange command) is executed, HA Monitor immediately restarts program monitoring with the new program slowdown monitoring interval.

When you change the program slowdown monitoring interval, note the following:

(4) Temporarily stopping and restarting the monitoring while HA Monitor and servers are running

While HA Monitor and servers are running, you can temporarily stop or restart monitoring of a specific function (operand). When the command for changing the settings and operations while HA Monitor and servers are running (monchange command) is executed, HA Monitor immediately performs temporary stop or restart of monitoring.

Monitoring can be temporarily stopped or restarted for the following operands.

When temporarily stopping or restarting the system disk monitoring:
  • disk_ptrl in the HA Monitor environment settings

When temporarily stopping or restarting the server monitoring:
When temporarily stopping or restarting the monitoring of disks for business use on servers:

disk_ptrl in the server environment definition

When temporarily stopping or restarting the monitoring of servers in the monitor mode

ptrlcmd_ex in the server environment definition

sby_ptrlcmd_ex in the server environment definition

Note that the monitoring using the patrolcommand operand in the server environment definition cannot be temporarily stopped or restarted.