
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

6.23.2 Checking the definitions

You must check the definitions specified in the HA Monitor environment settings, server environment settings, and monitor-mode program environment settings to make sure that there are no errors. To perform a definition check, you use the definition check command (moncheck command).

When HA Monitor and servers start, a definition check is performed automatically. An HA Monitor with invalid definitions cannot be started correctly. Therefore, before you start HA Monitor, perform a definition check to make sure that there are no errors in the definition files. You can perform a definition check not only during the configuration stage but after you have edited the definition files. For details about the definition check command (moncheck command), see 9.7 moncheck (checks definitions) in 9. Commands.

The following items are checked by definition checking:

  1. Basic rules

    • Whether the basic rules for definitions are observed

  2. Specification formats

    • Whether the specification formats are correct for definitions

  3. Definition statements

    • Whether the definition statements are correct

    • Whether the formats of the definition statements are correct

    • Whether all the required definition statements are specified

    • Whether more than one set of HA Monitor environment settings has been specified

  4. Operands

    • Whether the operands are correct

    • Whether the operand formats are correct

    • Whether all the required operands are specified

  5. Values

    • Whether all the required values are specified

    • Whether the character specification methods are correct

    • Whether the values are within valid value ranges

    • Whether the specified number of values is correct when multiple values are specified

    • Whether the same value is specified in an operand for shared resources between multiple servers

  6. Characters

    • Whether all specified characters and symbols are valid