
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

6.1.1 When resetting hosts (BladeSymphony or HA8000)

This subsection explains a system configuration for BladeSymphony or HA8000 when hosts are reset.

Organization of this subsection

(1) System configuration procedure

The figure below shows the system configuration procedure. For the system configuration procedure when HA Monitor Extension is used, see (2) System configuration procedure (when using HA Monitor Extension).

Figure 6‒1: System configuration procedure (when resetting hosts)


The following explains the correspondence between the purpose for configuring the system and the steps in the system configuration procedure that must be performed.

For details about how to install HA Monitor and notes about installation, see Release Notes.

For details about how to add hosts and servers to an existing system, see 7.10.1 Adding hosts and 7.10.2 Adding servers.

(2) System configuration procedure (when using HA Monitor Extension)

The following figure shows the system configuration procedure when HA Monitor Extension is used.

Figure 6‒2: System configuration procedure (when using HA Monitor Extension) (when resetting hosts)



The following explains which steps in the system configuration procedure must be performed depending on the purpose for configuring the system.

For details about how to install HA Monitor and HA Monitor Extension and notes about installation, see Release Notes.

For details about how to add hosts and servers to an existing system, see 7.10.1 Adding hosts and 7.10.2 Adding servers.