
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

3.5.2 Issuing commands when the server and HA Monitor status changes

HA Monitor enables you to issue a user-created command automatically whenever the status of the server and HA Monitor changes. This command is called a user command. Creation of user commands is optional

Organization of this subsection

(1) Advantages of using user commands

If you create user commands, you can have HA Monitor automatically perform user-specific processing when HA Monitor processing occurs, such as server startup, hot standby, and server failure handling.

You can also share any resources among hosts by specifying in a user command processing on the shared resources that are not handled by HA Monitor.

For details about the timing of user command issuance and the parameters passed from HA Monitor to user commands, see 6.19 Creating user commands.

(2) Required environment settings

You create a user command, and then specify it in the usrcommand operand in the HA Monitor environment settings. For details about how to create user commands and for coding examples, see 6.19 Creating user commands.