
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

3.3.5 Hot-standby switchover caused by a host pair shutdown

If any of the following events occurred, HA Monitor enables you to forcibly terminate the switching-source host and continue hot-standby switchover. This is called host pair shutdown.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Host pair shutdown for each host in the event of a server failure

If the active server that is ready for hot-standby switchover fails, HA Monitor forcibly terminates the host on which the failure occurred and then performs switchover to the standby host.

Use this function in the following cases:

You can use this function on the following servers:

The active server failures that result in pair shutdown include failures detected by the server itself and server slowdown. If TP1/Server Base or HiRDB is used as a server in the server mode, you can also specify an option that uses only detection of server slowdown as a trigger for pair shutdown.

The active system is reset by the HA Monitor in the standby system that has received a message from the HA Monitor to be terminated. This reset occurs immediately without having to determine the host that has reset priority or the reset issuing host.

Required environment settings

Use the pairdown operand in the server environment definition to specify the pair shutdown function.

(2) Host pair shutdown performed for each host in the event of a user command error

You can also shut down a host pair if a user command that is executed on the source host fails during hot standby processing resulting from a server failure (online -a start) or during planned hot standby processing (online -w start).

Use this function if all the following conditions apply:

A user command error means any of the following:

Required environment settings

Specify use for the uoc_pairdown operand in the server environment definition. Check user commands to be executed during hot-standby switchover due to a server failure (online -a start) or during planned hot-standby switchover (online -w start). Make sure that these commands are defined to return a termination code other than 0 in the event of abnormal termination.

(3) Host pair shutdown for each host in the event of a server termination command error

If a server termination command error occurs when hot-standby switchover is performed, you can choose to perform host pair shutdown.

Use this function if you want to forcibly terminate the server and continue hot-standby switchover by forcibly terminating the host after a server termination command error occurred.

A server termination command error means any of the following:

Required environment settings

Specify use for the term_pairdown operand in the server environment definition.