
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

9.22 monsetup (specifies HA Monitor environment settings)


Changing how to start and terminate HA Monitor:
monsetup [{-start|-stop}]
Specifying reset path settings:
monsetup -resetpath
Specifying advanced SSH connection settings:
monsetup -resetpath ssh
Specifying and displaying HA Monitor Extension function settings:
monsetup -ex [sysmax {on|off}]

Users who can execute the command



Changing the settings for how to start and terminate HA Monitor:

Normally, HA Monitor is set to start automatically when the system is started and to terminate automatically when the system is terminated.

The monsetup command enables you to change these settings so that you can start and terminate HA Monitor by using the monstart and monstop commands. If you execute the monsetup command with no option specified, the command displays the current settings for the start and termination methods.

The command displays the following information:

  • Start mode: Current setting for the start method

  • Stop mode: Current setting for the termination method

Specifying reset path settings:

The monsetup command enables you to specify reset path settings interactively, such as IP addresses. This command also enables you to display the current settings. You can execute the reset path setting command if you use a host reset on a BladeSymphony, HA8000, or RV3000.

Specifying advanced SSH connection settings:

If you use VMware ESXi-based virtualization, the monsetup command enables you to specify advanced SSH connection settings for VMware ESXi. If there is a device specifying a no-communication monitoring interval on the reset path for VMware ESXi connection, you must specify these SSH connection settings.

Note that you do not need to specify these settings if vSphere with high-availability functionality added is used on an RV3000.

Specifying and displaying HA Monitor Extension function settings:

The monsetup command enables you to specify whether the functions of HA Monitor Extension are to be used. This command also enables you to display the current function settings for HA Monitor Extension.


Changing the settings for how to start and terminate HA Monitor:

The option specifies whether the setting for the start method or the setting for the termination method is to be changed. If no option is specified, the monsetup command displays the current settings for the start and termination methods.

  • -start

    Changes the setting for the start method. If the current setting is auto (start automatically), the command changes it to manual (start by execution of the monstart command). If the current setting is manual, the command changes it to auto.

  • -stop

    Changes the setting for the termination method. If the current setting is auto (terminate automatically), the command changes it to manual (terminate by execution of the monstop command). If the current setting is manual, the command changes it to auto.

Specifying reset path settings:
  • -resetpath

    Specifies the settings required in order to use the reset path interactively.


    If you specify the -resetpath option, after all reset path settings have been specified completely, HA Monitor checks whether the system can communicate with the failure management processor. In a VMware environment in which vSphere with high-availability functionality added is not used on an RV3000, HA Monitor also checks whether the system can communicate with VMware ESXi. If a communication error occurs, remove the cause of the error, and then set the reset path again.

    Note that in the following cases, HA Monitor does not check whether communication is possible after the reset path is set:

    • The N+M cold-standby linkage function is used. (In this case, HA Monitor checks whether communication with VMware ESXi in a VMware environment is possible.)

    • HA Monitor is running.

    • The reset path is set after HA Monitor terminates abnormally.

    To set the reset path after HA Monitor terminates abnormally, restart HA Monitor, terminate HA Monitor, and then set the reset path again.

    The settings depend on the system being used.

    If the RV3000 system model is used

    The following describes the settings to be specified when the RV3000 system model is used.

    Table 9‒8: Settings to be specified if the RV3000 system model is used

    Setting item

    Value to be set

    System's partition name

    Set the same name as the management system name (System name) set in HA Monitor Connector.

    Virtual machine name

    Set this item only when vSphere with high-availability functionality added is used on an RV3000.

    Set the name of the virtual machine set in VMware ESXi. A virtual machine name can have a maximum of 31 characters. Note that FullSystemPartition cannot be specified as the virtual machine name.

    Reset path's IP address and port number

    Specify any IP address that belongs to the reset path's network. For the port number, specify a number in the range from 5001 to 65535 that is not in use. Make sure that the IP address and port number you set for this item are different from HA Monitor Connector's IP address and port number.

    HA Monitor Connector's IP address and port number

    Set the same value as IP address of the interface for the reset path used by HA Connector set in HA Monitor Connector. For the port number, specify a number in the range from 5001 to 65535 that is not in use. Set the same value as Port number used by HA Connector set in HA Monitor Connector.

    If the system being used is BladeSymphony

    If the system being used is BladeSymphony, the switch and management module displayed when the settings are displayed shows the SVPs and the hardware used to manage SVPs. For details, see the hardware documentation. The settings for BladeSymphony are described below.

    Table 9‒9: Settings to be specified if the system being used is BladeSymphony

    Setting item

    Value to be set

    System's partition name

    Set the same name as the system name of the CPU module in the system set in the HA Monitor linkage settings of the switch and management module.

    For model BS2000 or earlier, specify this setting by using the HA command in the SVP command mode.

    LPAR name

    Specify this setting only if you use Hitachi server virtualization to run LPARs. For the LPAR name, specify an LPAR name that was specified on the HVM control screen.

    Do not specify FullSystemPartition as the LPAR name.

    Reset path's IP address and port number

    Specify any IP address that belongs to the reset path's network. The port number must be the same for all hosts. For the port number, specify a number in the range from 5001 to 65535 that is not in use. The combination of IP address and port number must differ from that of the switch and management module.

    Switch and management module's IP address

    Specify the same value as SVP IP address that was specified with the LC command for the switch and management module in the SVP command mode. For an N+M cold standby configuration, specify auto.

    Switch and management module's port number

    Specify a port number in the range from 5001 to 65535 that is not in use. Set the same value as the port number that is set in the HA Monitor linkage settings of the switch and management module.

    For model BS2000 or earlier, specify this setting by using the HA command in the SVP command mode.

    If the system model being used is HA8000xM or earlier

    If the system model being used is HA8000xM or earlier, the switch and management module that is displayed during setup is the SVP or BMC. The following describes the settings to be specified if the system model being used is HA8000xM or earlier.

    Table 9‒10: Settings to be specified if the system model being used is HA8000xM or earlier

    Setting item

    Value to be set

    System's partition name

    Specify any name consisting of 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters. This name is used by HA Monitor and SVPs as an interface to identify hosts.

    Reset path's IP address and port number

    Specify any IP address that belongs to the reset path's network. For the port number, specify a number in the range from 5001 to 65535 that is not in use. This combination of IP address and port number must differ from that of the switch and management module.

    Switch and management module's IP address

    Specify the same value as SVP IP Address that was specified by using the HA Monitor setup utility provided with the SVP microprogram.

    Switch and management module's port number

    Specify a port number in the range from 5001 to 65535 that is not in use. This port number must be the same as Port no that was specified with the HA Monitor setup utility provided with the SVP microprogram.

    If the system model being used is HA8000xN or later

    If the system model being used is HA8000xN or later, the switch and management module that is displayed during setup is HA Monitor Option (HA Monitor Connector) that will be used as a failure management processor. The following describes the settings to be specified if the system model being used is HA8000xN or later.

    Table 9‒11: Settings to be specified if the system model being used is HA8000xN or later

    Setting item

    Value to be set

    System's partition name

    Specify the same value that is set for System name (management system name) in the HA Monitor Connector configuration window. The value you specify can consist of 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters. This name is used by HA Monitor and HA Monitor Option as an interface to identify hosts.

    Reset path's IP address and port number

    Specify any IP address that belongs to the reset path's network. For the port number, specify a number in the range from 5001 to 65535 that is not in use. Note, however, that the port number you specify must be different from the port number that is set in the HA Monitor Connector configuration window.

    Switch and management module's IP address

    If you use a management server as the failure management processor, specify the IP address of the management server. If you do not use a management server as the failure management processor, specify the IP address of the reset path. However, in a VMware-based virtualization environment in which HA Monitor and HA Monitor Option exist on separate virtual machines, do not specify the IP address of the reset path. In this case, specify the IP address of the reset path over the network to the virtual machine on which HA Monitor Option operates.

    Switch and management module's port number

    Specify the same value that is specified for Port (port number of the management server for communication with HA Monitor) in the HA Monitor Connector configuration window.

    If VMware ESXi-based virtualization is to be used (except when vSphere with high-availability functionality added is used on an RV3000)

    The following describes the settings to be specified only if VMware ESXi-based virtualization is to be used (except when vSphere with high-availability functionality added is used on an RV3000).

    Table 9‒12: Settings to be specified if VMware ESXi-based virtualization is to be used (except when vSphere with high-availability functionality added is used on an RV3000)

    Setting item

    Value to be set

    Virtual machine name

    Specify the name of the virtual machine to be managed by VMware ESXi. This is information that you specified when you created the virtual machine in VMware ESXi.

    IP address of VMware ESXi

    Specify the IP address of VMware ESXi for management.

    Port number of VMware ESXi for SSH connection

    Specify the port number that HA Monitor is to use to establish SSH connection with VMware ESXi. If you specify default, port 22 will be used.

    Selection of the authentication method for SSH connection to VMware ESXi

    Select either of the following methods for authentication when HA Monitor connects to VMware ESXi by SSH:

    • Password authentication

    • Public key authentication

    You can change the selected authentication method later. Note that if you change from the password authentication to public key authentication, the password you set will be deleted.

    Authentication password for SSH connection to VMware ESXi#

    Specify the password required for authentication when SSH connection is established with VMware ESXi on the local host. This is the root user's password specified in VMware ESXi.

    Note that the password is not displayed when you specify and display the settings.

    Machine address

    Set any numeric value that can identify the physical partition. You can set a value in the range from 0 to 9999.

    Specify the same machine address for all hosts in the same physical partition. For a host in a different physical partition, specify a unique machine address for each physical partition. If the system contains multiple hot-standby configurations that do not monitor each other and they share a reset path, specify each machine address so that it is unique in all physical partitions. If the same machine address is used for multiple physical partitions, HA Monitor might malfunction.


    • If you select password authentication, you must set a password. If you select public key authentication, you do not need to set a password.

    • If HA Monitor can connect to VMware ESXi via SSH by using public key authentication, no password is used. If you use the public key authentication method, explicitly select it.

Specifying advanced SSH connection settings:
  • -resetpath ssh

    Specifies the advanced settings required for HA Monitor to establish SSH connection with VMware ESXi interactively. Specify this option only if you use VMware ESXi-based virtualization.

    If you use a firewall or router on the reset path for VMware ESXi connection and the no-communication status lasts for a specific period of time between HA Monitor and VMware ESXi, the firewall or router function might disconnect the SSH connection to VMware ESXi. When HA Monitor establishes SSH connection with VMware ESXi, it sends a packet requesting a response from VMware ESXi (connection-maintenance packet) so that the no-communication status does not last for more than the specific period of time. If there is no response from VMware ESXi, HA Monitor releases the SSH connection.

    The following describes the settings:

    Table 9‒13: Specifying advanced SSH connection settings:

    Setting item

    Value to be set

    Connection-maintenance packet transmission interval

    Specify the interval at which connection-maintenance packets are to be sent. You can specify a value in the range from 0 to 2147483647. The value you specify must be shorter than the no-communication monitoring interval of the firewall or router. The value is in seconds. If you do not specify this value, the default value (60) is assumed.

    If 0 is specified, HA Monitor does not send connection-maintenance packets.

    Connection-maintenance packet transmission count

    Specify the number of times connection-maintenance packets are to be sent. The permitted value is from 0 to 2147483647. If you do not specify this value, the default value (3) is assumed.

    If 0 is specified, HA Monitor does not send connection-maintenance packets.

    If there is no response from VMware ESXi after the specified number of connection-maintenance packets have been sent, SSH connection is released.

Specifying and displaying HA Monitor Extension function setting:
  • -ex

    Specifies that the functions of HA Monitor Extension are to be used. If all the operands explained below are omitted, HA Monitor displays the current function settings for HA Monitor Extension.

  • sysmax

    Specifies that HA Monitor Extension function settings are to be set or released. You must use this option together with one of the options described below.

  • on

    Enables use of HA Monitor Extension functions. Specifically, you will be able to specify the following settings:

    Specification of the hostmax operand in the HA Monitor environment settings. The hostmax operand enables you to increase the maximum number of hosts to 33 or more.

    • Specification of a value greater than 128 in the servmax operand in the HA Monitor environment settings.

  • off

    Specifies that the following functions of HA Monitor Extension are to be disabled:

    Specification of the hostmax operand in the HA Monitor environment settings.

    Specification of a value greater than 128 in the servmax operand in the HA Monitor environment settings.

Return codes




Normal termination (the HA Monitor environment settings have been specified)

Other than 0

Abnormal termination



Displaying the settings for how to start and terminate HA Monitor:
Start mode : auto   Stop mode : auto

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Changing the settings for how to start HA Monitor:
>monsetup -start
Start mode : manual

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Changing the settings for how to terminate HA Monitor:
>monsetup -stop
Stop  mode : auto

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying reset path settings (when HA8000 or BladeSymphony is used and LPARs are not run):
> monsetup -resetpath
   The reset path for system reset will be set up. 
Please push [CTRL]+[D] key to stop setup. 
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
---> 1
Please select the model. 
1. HA8000 or BladeSymphony
2. BladeSymphony (LPAR)
3. Virtual machine on VMware ESXi
4. RV3000
---> 1
Please input the partition name of the system by which HA Monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the switch and management module. 
Please input "auto" to cooperate with N+M Cold Standby function. 
Current Setting: not configured
Please input the port number of the switch and management module. 
Current Setting : not configured
Communication with the switch and management module will be checked. 
Now checking communication...
Communication was successful. 
Settings of the reset path was completed. The present setting information is displayed. 

Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Command will be terminated.

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying reset path settings (when BladeSymphony is used and LPARs are run):
> monsetup -resetpath
   The reset path for system reset will be set up. 
Please push [CTRL]+[D] key to stop setup. 
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
---> 1
Please select the model. 
1. HA8000 or BladeSymphony
2. BladeSymphony (LPAR)
3. Virtual machine on VMware ESXi
4. RV3000
---> 2
Please input the partition name of the system by which HA Monitor works. 
Current Setting: not configured
Please input the LPAR name of the system by which HA monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
---> LPAR1
Please input the IP address of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the switch and management module. 
Please input "auto" to cooperate with N+M Cold Standby function. 
Current Setting: not configured
Please input the port number of the switch and management module. 
Current Setting : not configured
Communication with the switch and management module will be checked. 
Now checking communication...
Communication was successful. 
Settings of the reset path was completed. The present setting information is displayed. 

Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
LPAR name .............................................: LPAR1
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
LPAR name .............................................: LPAR1
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Command will be terminated.

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying reset path settings (VMware ESXi-based virtualization is used in a system other than RV3000):
> monsetup -resetpath
   The reset path for system reset will be set up. 
Please push [CTRL]+[D] key to stop setup. 
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
---> 1
Please select the model. 
1. HA8000 or BladeSymphony
2. BladeSymphony (LPAR)
3. Virtual machine on VMware ESXi
4. RV3000
---> 3
Please input the partition name of the system by which HA Monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the switch and management module. 
Please input "auto" to cooperate with N+M Cold Standby function. 
Current Setting: not configured
Please input the port number of the switch and management module. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the virtual machine name by which HA monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the VMware ESXi. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the SSH connection of VMware ESXi. 
Please input "default" when you use port number (22) for the SSH connection. 
When the value is not input, current setting is used. Current Setting : default
Please select the attestation method for SSH connection of VMware ESXi. 
Current Setting : not configured
1. Password attestation
2. Public key attestation
Please input the attestation password of the SSH connection of VMware ESXi. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the password again. 
Please input the machine address of the machine by which HA monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Communication with VMware ESXi and the switch and management module will be checked. 
Now checking communication...
Communication was successful. 
Settings of the reset path was completed. The present setting information is displayed. 

Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Virtual machine name ..................................: VM0001
The IP address of the VMware ESXi .....................:
The PORT number of the VMware ESXi ....................: default
Attestation method for SSH connection of VMware ESXi ..: Password attestation
The PASSWORD of the VMware ESXi .......................: Setting OK
Machine address .......................................: 1
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Virtual machine name ..................................: VM0001
The IP address of the VMware ESXi .....................:
The PORT number of the VMware ESXi ....................: default
Authentication method of SSH connection to VMware ESXi : Password authentication
The PASSWORD of the VMware ESXi .......................: Setting OK
Machine address .......................................: 1
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Command will be terminated.

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying reset path settings (in the case where a virtual machine on VMware ESXi is used in a system other than RV3000 and public key authentication is selected for SSH connection):
> monsetup -resetpath
   The reset path for system reset will be set up. 
Please push [CTRL]+[D] key to stop setup. 

Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Please select the model. 
1. HA8000 or BladeSymphony
2. BladeSymphony (LPAR)
3. Virtual machine on VMware ESXi
4. RV3000
Please input the partition name of the system by which HA Monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the switch and management module. 
Please input "auto" to cooperate with N+M Cold Standby function. 
Current Setting: not configured
Please input the port number of the switch and management module. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the virtual machine name by which HA monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the VMware ESXi. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the SSH connection of VMware ESXi. 
Please input "default" when you use port number (22) for the SSH connection. 
When the value is not input, current setting is used. Current Setting : default
Please select the attestation method for SSH connection of VMware ESXi. 
Current Setting : not configured
1. Password attestation
2. Public key attestation
Please input the machine address of the machine by which HA monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Communication with VMware ESXi and the switch and management module will be checked. 
Now checking communication...
Communication was successful. 
Settings of the reset path was completed. The present setting information is displayed. 

Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Virtual machine name ..................................: VM0001
The IP address of the VMware ESXi .....................:
The PORT number of the VMware ESXi ....................: default
Attestation method for SSH connection of VMware ESXi ..: Public key attestation
Machine address .......................................: 1

Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Switch and management module is used. 
partition name ........................................: MS0001
The IP address of the reset path ......................:
The PORT number of the reset path .....................: 10000
The IP address of the switch and management module ....:
The PORT number of the switch and management module ...: 15000
Virtual machine name ..................................: VM0001
The IP address of the VMware ESXi .....................:
The PORT number of the VMware ESXi ....................: default
Attestation method for SSH connection of VMware ESXi ..: Public key attestation
Machine address .......................................: 1

Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Command will be terminated.

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying reset path settings (when the system is to be operated on an RV3000 in an environment other than a VMware environment):
> monsetup –resetpath
   The reset path for system reset will be set up. 
Please push [CTRL]+[D] key to stop setup. 

Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Please select the model. 
1. HA8000 or BladeSymphony
2. BladeSymphony (LPAR)
3. Virtual machine on VMware ESXi (other than RV3000)
4. RV3000
Is it a virtual machine on VMware ESXi?
1. Yes
2. No
Please input the partition name of the system by which HA monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of HA Monitor Connector. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of HA Monitor Connector. 
Current Setting : not configured
The system will now check whether communication with HA Monitor Connector is possible. 
Now checking communication...
Communication was successful. 
Settings of the reset path was completed. The present setting information is displayed. 

HA Monitor Connector is in use. 
partition name ...............................: MS0001
The IP address of the reset path .............:
The PORT number of the reset path ............: 10000
The IP address of HA Monitor Connector .......:
The PORT number of HA Monitor Connector ......: 15000
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying reset path settings (in a configuration where a virtual machine on VMware ESXi with an RV3000 and the management server is used):
> monsetup –resetpath
   The reset path for system reset will be set up. 
Please push [CTRL]+[D] key to stop setup. 

Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Please select the model. 
1. HA8000 or BladeSymphony
2. BladeSymphony (LPAR)
3. Virtual machine on VMware ESXi (other than RV3000)
4. RV3000
Is it a virtual machine on VMware ESXi?
1. Yes
2. No
Are you using an RV3000 high-availability vSphere environment?
1. Yes
2. No
Please input the partition name of the system by which HA monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the virtual machine name of the system by which HA Monitor works. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of the reset path. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the IP address of HA Monitor Connector. 
Current Setting : not configured
Please input the port number of HA Monitor Connector. 
Current Setting : not configured
The system will now check whether communication with HA Monitor Connector is possible. 
Now checking communication...
Communication was successful. 
Settings of the reset path was completed. The present setting information is displayed. 

HA Monitor Connector is in use. 
partition name ...............................: MS0001
Virtual machine name .........................: VM1
The IP address of the reset path .............:
The PORT number of the reset path ............: 10000
The IP address of HA Monitor Connector .......:
The PORT number of HA Monitor Connector ......: 15000
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying advanced SSH connection settings (when VMware ESXi-based virtualization is used):
> monsetup -resetpath ssh
   The SSH connection will be set up.
   Please push [CTRL]+[D] key to stop setup. 
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Please input the transmission interval of connected maintenance packet. (per second)
Please input "default" when you use default setting value (60). 
When the value is not input, current setting is used. Current Setting : default
Please input the transmission frequency of connected maintenance packet. (per times)
Please input "default" when you use default setting value (3). 
When the value is not input, current setting is used. Current Setting : default
The setting was completed. 
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Transmission interval of connected maintenance packet (per second)...: 30
Transmission frequency of connected maintenance packet (per times)...: 2
Please choose the processing to perform by the number. 
 1. Setup
2. The present setting information is displayed.
3. End
Command will be terminated.

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Specifying HA Monitor Extension function settings:
> monsetup -ex sysmax on
sysmax : on

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Releasing HA Monitor Extension function settings:
> monsetup -ex sysmax off
sysmax : off

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.

Displaying HA Monitor Extension function settings:
> monsetup -ex
sysmax : on

Legend: >: Indicates a user operation.