
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

6.25.3 Checking the server operation

Check the server operation after you have started HA Monitor.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Checking the start of servers

You must check if the servers can start successfully. If the KAMN252-I message is issued, a server has started and is ready for hot standby processing.

The following describes how to start servers.

For servers in the server mode:

Start the servers by using the corresponding program's start method. HA Monitor determines whether a server is to be started as the active server or a standby server. This determination is made based on the specified server environment definition and the status of the remote host.

For servers in the monitor mode:

Start the servers by executing the monitor-mode server start command (monbegin command). HA Monitor determines whether a server is to be started as the active server or a standby server. This determination is made based on the specified server environment definition and the status of the remote host.

If you have specified a server start timeout value (start_timeout) in the server environment definition, confirm that the specified server start time is appropriate. If the start time is affected by recovery processing during server startup or by the number of preceding processes, also take these factors into consideration when you confirm the server start time.

Confirm by using a method such as a server-provided command that all processes making up a server have started successfully.

Also confirm that the shared resources specified in the server environment definition are connected successfully. For details about how to check the connection status of shared resources, see the OS documentation.

(2) Checking the server status

After you have confirmed that the servers start successfully, you must check the server status to determine whether HA Monitor recognized that the servers started. To check the server status, you execute the server and host status display command (monshow command).

The example of command execution results shown below indicates that HA Monitor was able to recognize server startup. If the active server's status is ONL and the standby server's status is SBY, HA Monitor has recognized the servers correctly.

KAMN213-I Own host name : host1
    Own servers               Pair servers
    Alias     Status          Status     Host name
    server1   ONL             SBY        host2

If the server is in the monitor mode and the program management function is used, also check the program status. To check the program status, execute the server and host status display command (monshow command) with the -u option specified.

Shown below is an example of command execution results when HA Monitor was able to recognize startup of a program. If the program status is ACT, HA Monitor has recognized the program startup correctly.

#/opt/hitachi/HAmon/bin/monshow -u
KAMN213-I Own host name : host1
     Alias     Program Alias  Status   Patrol time
     server1   UAP1            ACT        3600

(3)  Checking the restart of servers

If you have set the local host to be restarted in the event of a server failure, generate a server failure to confirm that the server will restart successfully.

A server in the server mode has been restarted successfully if the KAMN255-D and KAMN254-I messages are issued in this order.

A server in the monitor mode has been restarted successfully if the KAMN275-E and KAMN274-I messages are issued in this order.

(4) Checking the restart of programs

If you have used the monitor-mode program management function to create a program restart command, confirm that the program can be restarted successfully.

After you have confirmed that the servers start successfully, generate a program error to check the status of the program. You can determine whether HA Monitor restarted the program. To check the program status, execute the server and host status display command (monshow command) with the -u option specified.

Shown below is an example of command execution results when HA Monitor has successfully recognized program restart. If the program status is ACT, HA Monitor successfully recognized program restart.

#/opt/hitachi/HAmon/bin/monshow -u
KAMN213-I Own host name : host1
     Alias     Program Alias  Status   Patrol time
     server1   UAP1            ACT        3600

(5) Checking the termination of servers

You must check if the servers can be terminated successfully. If no servers are displayed when you execute the server and host status display command (monshow command), the server termination processing has been completed.

The following describes how to terminate servers.

If the servers were started in the server mode:

Terminate the servers by using the corresponding program's termination method. If the corresponding standby server is running, HA Monitor will terminate it.

If the servers were stated in the monitor mode:

The user must terminate all servers manually by executing the monitor-mode server termination command (monend command).

If you have specified a server termination timeout value (stop_timeout or stop_timeout_sw) in the server environment definition, confirm that the specified server termination time is appropriate. If the server termination time exceeds the specified value, HA Monitor forcibly terminates the server termination command and outputs the KAMN293-E message to syslog. If the termination time is affected by other processing, such as server termination processing during job processing, also take such factors into consideration when you confirm the server termination time.

Use a method such as a server-provided command to confirm that all processes making up a server have terminated successfully.

Also confirm that the shared resources specified in the server environment definition have disconnected successfully. For details about how to check the connection status of shared resources, see the OS documentation.