
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

4.8 Processing flows

In 4.3 Managing shared resources, the processing flow for connecting and switching a specific shared resource are explained. This section explains the flow of processing for HA Monitor processing for all shared resources.

The descriptions of processing flows in this section include the message IDs issued by HA Monitor and the event IDs that are issued. You can use this information to determine the timing of message ID and event issuance. The processing flow descriptions also provide the timing of user command execution and the arguments that are passed to the user commands. Use this information as a reference when you create your user commands.

The following figure shows the correspondence between the information provided as an operation flow and the information provided as a processing flow in a hot-standby configuration.

Figure 4‒45: Correspondence between the information provided as an operation flow and the information provided as a processing flow in a hot-standby configuration


Organization of this section