A data conversion error occurred in the ODBC driver. (ParameterNumber = aaaa, SQLSTATE = bb....bb, SQL_C_DataType = cc....cc, SQL DataType = dd....dd, reason = ee....ee) (O)
An error occurred in data type conversion processing performed by the ODBC driver. <SQLSTATE: 07006, 22001, 22003, 22007, 22008, 22018, 5C002, 5C036, HY001, HY003, HY004, HY009, HY013, HY090, HY104, HYC00>
- aaaa:
Sequence number of the dynamic parameter in which the error occurred
- bb....bb:
- cc....cc:
C data type whose conversion failed
- dd....dd:
ODBC SQL data type whose conversion failed
- ee....ee:
Cause of the error
- S:
Terminates processing.
- Action:
Check the following and take corrective action, as necessary:
SQLSTATE value displayed for bb....bb
Data type conversion combination
Cause of the error displayed for ee....ee
The following table lists the possible causes of the error that are displayed in place of ee....ee and the corrective action to take.
Item No.
Content displayed for ee....ee
Cause of the error and corrective action to take
conversions are not supported
The combination of data types that was specified cannot be converted. Change the combination of data types specified to a combination of data types that can be converted. For details about the combinations of data types that can be converted, see Combinations of data types that can be compared and stored or assigned (conversion from C data types to ODBC's SQL data types), under Correspondence between ODBC's SQL data types and C data types, in the HADB Application Development Guide.
value outside the scope of the conversion destination data type
The input value is outside the range for the data type into which the value will be converted. Change the input value to something in the range for the data type into which the value will be converted.
insufficient memory
Memory is insufficient. Retry the operation after shutting down another application.
data type cannot be converted
The data format cannot be converted. Specify a different data type, or re-enter the data in the correct data format.
multiple reasons
One of the following errors has occurred:
The input value is outside the range for the data type into which the value will be converted.
The data format cannot be converted.
Take the corrective action for item 2 or item 4, or check the value of SQLSTATE.
data for the parameter was not bound
The data for a dynamic parameter was not bound. Either bind the input parameter area for the dynamic parameter with SQLBindParameter, or specify it with SQLPutData.
String data, right-truncated
The character string or binary data was truncated on its right end. Change the input value to be in the range for the data it will be converted into.