Data was truncated when a data type was converted in the ODBC driver. (ColumnNumber = aaaa, SQLSTATE = bb....bb, SQL DataType = cc....cc, SQL_C_DataType = dd....dd, reason = ee....ee) (O)
Data was truncated in data type conversion processing performed by the ODBC driver. <SQLSTATE: 01004, 01S07>
- aaaa:
Number of the column where data was truncated
- bb....bb:
- cc....cc:
ODBC SQL data type where data was truncated
- dd....dd:
C data type where data was truncated
- ee....ee:
Reason why data was truncated
- S:
Terminates processing.
- Action:
The following table lists the possible reasons for truncation that are displayed in place of ee....ee and the corrective action to take.
Item No.
Content displayed for ee....ee
Reason for the truncation and corrective action to take
The column for values other than character data was truncated
A character string was truncated because the conversion-target area was too small.
Specify a sufficiently large conversion-target area, and then retry the operation.
The column for values other than data decimal numbers was truncated or fractions were omitted
Data not allowed by the fractional seconds specification or data following the decimal point, for example, was truncated because the conversion-target area was too small or because the setting status of the attribute value does not allow the data.
If floating-point type data was converted to integer values, for example, data following the decimal point was truncated.
For other conversions, specify a sufficiently large conversion-target area, and then retry the operation.
If the data type of the value to be saved as the conversion-target data is SQL_C_NUMERIC, use SQLSetDescField to specify SQL_DESC_PRECISION and SQL_DESC_SCALE, set a sufficient number of places following the decimal point, and then retry the operation by using SQLBindCol and SQLFetch. Scale values that indicate the number of places following the decimal point cannot be changed by using SQLGetData.
multiple reasons
Warning for other reason. Check the value of SQLSTATE.