
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The specified data type (aa....aa) and value ( conflict. (query number = (M+J+O)

The value specified for labeled duration is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 42703>

The value resulting from the multiplication for labeled duration is outside the range that can be specified for the labeled duration.

aa....aa: Cause of the error
  • value: The value specified for labeled duration or the value resulting from the multiplication for labeled duration is not in the specifiable range. The specifiable ranges are as follows:

    YEAR(S): -9,998 to +9,998

    MONTH(S): -119,987 to +119,987

    DAY(S): -3,652,058 to +3,652,058

    HOUR(S): -87,649,415 to +87,649,415

    MINUTE(S): -5,258,964,959 to +5,258,964,959

    SECOND(S): -315,537,897,599 to +315,537,897,599

    MILLISECOND(S): -315,537,897,599,999 to +315,537,897,599,999

    MICROSECOND(S): -315,537,897,599,999,999 to +315,537,897,599,999,999

    NANOSECOND(S): -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807

    PICOSECOND(S): -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Specification that generated the error
  • LABELED DURATION: A labeled duration Position number of the query

For details about query position numbers, see 1.5 Query position numbers.


Ignores this SQL statement. Alternatively, the system invalidates this transaction.


Correct the SQL statement.