
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages

1.5 Query position numbers

Query specifications and table value constructors specified in an SQL statement are assigned position numbers starting from 1 in order of specification from the beginning. These numbers are called query position numbers. They might be output in an error message for an SQL statement.

KFAA30202-E Column "C1" is not found in any table. (query number = 2)

The above message is output if, for example, the specified column name is invalid. At this time, the query position number is displayed in the underlined part.

For example, if the above message is output when the following SQL statement is executed, this indicates that an error exists in the query specification or table value constructor whose query position number is 2.

Example of the executed SQL statement


This example indicates that the underlined query specification (the second query specification from the beginning of the statement) is invalid. An error occurred in the SQL statement because table T2 does not contain column C1.

▪ Examples of query position numbers

▪ Notes