Insufficient buffer. (reason = aa....aa) (M+J+O)
Processing cannot continue because there are not enough buffer sectors. <SQLSTATE: 40701>
- aa....aa: Cause of the error
SERVER: Server definition
COMMAND: Command option
CLIENT: Client definition
- S:
Invalidates this transaction.
- Action:
If this message was output to an HADB client
Take corrective action as described in the following table:
Cause of the error output for aa....aa
Corrective action
Ask the HADB administrator to check the HADB server.
Increase the value specified in the client definition's adb_dbbuff_wrktbl_clt_blk_num operand.
If this message was output to the HADB server
See the corrective action for the KFAA41201-E message that was output before this message.