
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


Global buffer undefined. (M+J+O)

No global buffer has been assigned to the DB area. <SQLSTATE: 40602>


Invalidates this transaction.

  • If this message was output to an HADB client

    Ask the HADB administrator to check the HADB server, or contact an OS user who belongs to the HADB administrators group.

  • If this message was output to the HADB server

    Perform the following procedure to take action.

    1. Temporarily terminate the HADB server by using the adbstop command.

    2. Check the KFAA41200-E message (concerning global buffers) that was output prior to this message, and then correct the server definition's adbbuff operand.

    3. Execute the adbstart command to start the HADB server.

    4. Retry the operation that caused an error.