
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The method of specifying the labeled duration is invalid. (reason = aa....aa, query number = (M+J+O)

The specification of the labeled duration is invalid.

aa....aa: Cause of the error
  • the combination of the datetime data type that is the target of the operation and the labeled duration modifier is invalid: The combination of the datetime data that is the target of the operation and the labeled duration qualifier is invalid. <SQLSTATE:4278G>

  • a left data type of the labeled duration modifier is wrong: The data type of value-expression-primary specified in the labeled duration is invalid. <SQLSTATE:4278H>

  • the data type specified for multiplication or division is incorrect: The data type specified for multiplication or division for the labeled duration is invalid. <SQLSTATE:4278I> Position number of a query that specified an invalid labeled duration qualifier

For details about query position numbers, see 1.5 Query position numbers.


Ignores this SQL statement. Alternatively, the system invalidates this transaction.


Correct the SQL statement.