
Hitachi Advanced Database Messages


The aa....aa specified in the window function "" is invalid. (reason =, query number = dd....dd) (M+J+O)

aa....aa specified in window function is invalid.

aa....aa: Location of error
  • "window frame extent": Window frame border

  • "window partition" clause: Window partition clause

  • "window order" clause: Window order clause

  • "window frame value specification": Window frame value specification

Window function name Cause of the error
  • combination: The combination of the window frame borders for a range specification window frame is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 427G0>

  • none "window order" clause: No window order clause is specified. <SQLSTATE: 427G1>

  • "sort specification list" number: An invalid number of sort specification lists are specified. <SQLSTATE: 427G2>

  • data type of "sort key": The data type of a sort key is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 427G3>

  • data type: The data type is invalid in an unsigned value specification. <SQLSTATE: 427G4>

  • "labeled duration" specified: The information specified in an unsigned value specification is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 427G4>

  • data type of the "partition value": The data type of the value specified in the window partition clause is invalid. <SQLSTATE: 427G5>

  • incompatible data type: The data type of a sort key is not compatible with the data type in an unsigned value specification. <SQLSTATE: 4280F>

dd....dd: Position number of the query that specified aa....aa

For details about query position numbers, see 1.5 Query position numbers.


Ignores this SQL statement. Alternatively, the system invalidates this transaction.


Correct the SQL statement.